
Re: ARTICLE : Just say no to "Hinduism" (was Re: ARTICLE : On attempting to define Hinduism)

Vidyasankar Sundaresan (vidya@cco.caltech.edu) wrote:

: But you can't escape from intellectual interpretation of
: the scriptures.

Dear Sri Vidyasankar:

Thank you for reaffirming your views.  I think Pradipbabu has corrected me
properly.  All I meant was, although the intellectual interpretations are
helpful, but they provide only the GYAna, God gives us viGYAna as a
blessing (SBG 10.10-11), because the viGYAna knowledge is
revealed in atIndriya buddhi or extra-sensical intellect, also described
as bodhi(SBG 6.21), in other words, not amenable to intellectual 

With best regards,


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