Re: REQUEST : Question about Rishi's
Mutt (k777@pacific.net.sg) wrote:
: the rishi's are supposed to be those who have conquered the senses and
: are not attached to petty things in life...
: ..if this is so,how is it that ever so often <eg in the puranas>.. we
: find Rishis losing their tempers over trivial matters and pronouncing
: serious curses over some folk
: the object of the Puranas is to teach and pass knowledge...but this
: aspect has always puzzled me......is there something I am missing ?
There are two terms. Rishi and the other is muni.
I think that muni is one, who has the right control
of his senses.
And rishi is one who knows. (not sure of this one).
Will some more knowledgable ones let us know as to
what rishi literally means.
Nachiketa Tiwari