
ARTICLE : More on definition and origin of Shiv linga

From:Encyclopedic Dictionary of Yoga, G.Feuerstein, Paragon Publ,NY, 1990

Linga (Mark, Symbol)- Samkhya tradition refers linga as "that which has
characteristics" namely the human personality which includes Antahkarana
(its aspects - ego, subconscious, conscious thought and intellect,
5 cognitive senses (jnanedriyas), and 5 conative senses (karmendriyas).

Maitraayaniya Upanishad (VI.10) applies the term linga to 'the entire
creation extending from the first principle (Mahat) to the particulars
(vishesha)' and contrasts it with linga 'without origin' i.e God itself.

Mahabharat (XII.195.15) describes linga as the vehicle, or body of the
transmigrating psyche (that which passes from one birth to the next).

Metaphysically, linga stands for the unimaginable potency PRIOR to the
creation of universe.

Abhinav Gupta in his Tantra- Aaloka (V.54) explains Linga as "linam-
gamyate - This whole (universe) is dissolved (linam) in that, and this
whole (universe) is perceived (gamyate) as residing within that".

The 'Amaraugh- Prabodh' offers following etymological definition: "Where
the movable and immovable dissolves by force of 'Laya' (natural
destruction), that is (known as) linga.

As the mystic law 'As above so below" -Brahmanda manifests in every Pinda
, the cosmic linga has its representation within human body also. Thus
Tantric and Hatha Yoga literature describe experience of radiant linga in
different psychic centers (chakras) of the body. Brahma Upanishad speaks
of 3 types of linga that should be made object of meditation: Adho linga
at the base of spine (Mulaadhaar chakra), Shikhin linga at the crown of
the head (Sahasraar chakra) and Jyotir (light) linga at the center of the
forehead (Aajnyaa or Guru chakra).

Siddha Siddhanta Paddhati (II.4) mentions a linga shaped flame in the

Thus ALL above scriptures talk about linga as NOT having sexual meanings. Above
dictionary, in contrast, refers to phallic interpretation merely in passing and
does not give ANY scriptural support indicating its possible non-Hindu origin.

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