
Re: REQUEST : What is VEDANTA AND .....

: Can somebody tell me what is Vedanta?

As best as I know, Vedanta is the study of the Vedas, Epics, and other
Hindu scriptures (Puranas and Upanishads).

: Also,
:     What is the purpose of "Veda" why are there 16(?) types of Veda
There are four Vedas, the RgVeda, the YajurVeda, the SomaVeda and a fourth
Veda whose name is currently forgotten (ArthaVeda).  Each Veda is divided
into four segements.

:     what is the purpose of "Upanishad" and its types?
Temple University taught that the Upanishads were commentaries on the
Vedas.  Reading them, the appear to be Veda inspired poetry.  IDK, I
haven't been able to affoard a complete translation of any Veda yet.

:     What is our holy book like "Bible for Christians?"
:     (AFAIK it is Bhagbat Gita but why is not "Beda" or "Ramayana" )
Your question isn't clear.  The Bible is a set of writings which, through
their durability of time at one point in time were determined to be
inspired by God.  Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) is much older and has several
sets of scriptures, each possibly making references to previous ones.  The
oldest part of the Vedas are the original scripture - the Upanishads are
the newest segment.  The Maha-Bharata and Ramayana are epics - essentially

Similarly, the Gospels are the stories about Jesus's life, the book of
Acts is are some of the stories of the first century Christians, there are
also the letters (commentary and application) and Revelation.  The
difference is mostly that there are much few Jewish and Christian
scripture and Hindu scriptures.

The heart of the Old Testament is the Torah - the books of Moses.  After
the Torah came the writings and the prophets.  There were four-hundred
silent years then came John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth.  The Vedas
would be equivalent to the Torah.  Upon the Vedas were build the Puranas
and the Upanishads - the prophets and writings respectively.  The Epics
combine the Gospels and Acts together.

Am I clear?  Am I correct?



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