INFO : Fund Raiser for Kashmiri Refugees
The Hindu Students Council (HSC) of Atlanta is sponsoring a classical
dance program to benefit Kashmiri refugees in India on September 21,
1996. 12 other Atlanta organizations are cosponsoring this program:
Kashmiri Overseas Association, The Hindu Temple of Atlanta, the Vishwa
Hindu Parishad, the National Federation of Indian Associations, Cha Gam
Patidar Samaj, the India American Cultural Association, the Georgia
Malayalee Association, the Georgia Tamil Sangam, the Kannada Koota, the
Jain Society of Greater Atlanta, the Telugu Association of Metro
Atlanta, and the Maharashtra Mandal.
The Government of India will be represented by Mr. Wajaht Habibullah,
Minister of Community Affairs, the Embassy of India. Mr. Habibullah was
previously involved in fighting terrorism in Kashmir directly (as a
senior member of the Police). He was a victim of an attempted
kidnapping as well as an assassination attempt by terrorists. The
Kashmiri Overseas Association will be represented by Dr. Ashok Raina,
President of the KOA.
Sasikala Penumarthi is directing the dance drama, "Chandalika."
All ticket prices are $10 and the proceeds will be sent directly to help
Kashmiri Refugees in Bharat (India) as part of Hindu Students Council
Community Action Network's Kashmir Awareness Campaign.
For further information, please contact
Dinesh Harursampath at (404) 885-9412
Mamta Misra at (404) 299-2677
For more information about HSC's Kashmir Awareness Project, please
contact Sandeep Vaishnavi at svaishnavi@bosco.meis.uab.edu
For more information about HSC's Community Action Network, please email
to: hsc-can@hindunet.org
Hindu Students Council is an international forum to promote Hindu
heritage and culture, to promote SEVA (service) to the community, and to
address the issues affecting Hindus.