
Re: ARTICLE : Test of a philosophy (Was Re: Biased...)

Balasubramaniam santhanam wrote:

> > But it's definitely not correct to brand, in general, a philosophy as
> > accurate" just because it follows some "age-old" principles.
> (i) If philsophies such as those espoused in the vedas and SBG are complete and
> accurate then there is not need to add any thing to them or update them. 
> These philosphies will remain invariant thru time. Any add on is a 
> redundancy.

What you are saying is that IF the Vedas are consistent (meaning every statement
in the Vedas is true - you used the word "accurate") and IF the Vedas are
complete (all true statements are to be found in the Vedas), THEN any add on
would be a redundancy.

Can we safely assume that rules of logical inference are valid in interpreting
the Vedic injunctions? If so, Goedel's theorem states that such a scenario
(of there being a logical system that is both complete and consistent) 
is _impossible_.

You could refer to  http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~zillion/godel.html



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