INFO : Computerized Lifelong Vedic/Hindu Religious Advisor
To: srh@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu
Subject: INFO : Computerized Lifelong Vedic/Hindu Religious Advisor
From: rgopalan@aol.com (RGopalan)
Date: 11 Sep 1996 01:08:45 -0400
Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Posted-Date: 11 Sep 1996 01:08:45 -0400
Reply-To: rgopalan@aol.com (RGopalan)
ReSent-Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 03:03:58 -0400 (EDT)
ReSent-From: SRH Editor <srh@rbhatnagar.ececs.uc.edu>
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Hindus living far away from India have to go through great lengths to
acccquire basic religious information to enable them to be a practising
Hindu. Available now is an IBM PC based program that is your Lifelong
Religious Advisor and is like having your very own hindu priest, at your
beck and call, on your Personal Computer. You have access to Panchang
details, birth star, star date, auspicious days, muhurtas, festivals,
horoscope chart compilation, horoscope matching, 71/2 yr Shani affliction,
An excellent tool for the practising Hindu, beginner, amateur to get you
started in the right direction. If you are interested in more information
please send an E-Mail to RGOPALAN@AOL.COM
Om Ganeshayanamaha