
Re: ARTICLE: Protest the Gap!

: I went shopping yesterday with a friend, and I noticed that The Gap,
: in their recently created line of scents, has a new fragrance called
: "OM - the sixth scent".

It really just shows you how much the "New Age" culture has butchered
Hinduism.  First, the '60s culture and they turn yoga into asanas where
even if I say meditative yoga, Americans still think I practice asanas.
I think the popularization of OM/AUM is actually the second
desecration I've heard.  (Yoga / Asanas was the first slandar.)

Where I used to live there was a certain New Age store that was popular
with the Indians with whom I used to work.  I was curious about the
avatars and the Indians said that New Age was Hindu.  I went to the store,
the manager, neither assistant manager, nor any of the three working staff
knew what / who an avatar was.

The the public, om is already not much more than a piece of jewelry, like
the cross, the ankh, or the yin-yang.  Yoga is already nothing more than
asanas to the public.  I'm curious as to how far the debasement will go.
Shiva Nataraj is already not much more than a living room decoration to

: P.S. If they don't act to change the sign, have a bunch of friends
: show up with pickaxes and shovels, and tell the manager that you
: believe that their particular Gap was built on top of a very important
: site for Hindus, and should they not wish to cooperate, you'll
: "liberate" their store.

Now, now, Vivek, I don't think that's necessary ;|.  Besides its really
much more American to create a fake Hindu terrorist group and throw bricks
through their front window ;).  We are trying to communicate with

Actually, the only right response would be to write letters, say every
month, to The Gap and the perfume manufacturer.

Of course you could always say its an American Indian burial site -
Americans won't know the difference - well, some would.  ROTFL



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