
Re: ARTICLE: the _real_ info on the "Hare Krishna" virus...

On Fri, 20 Sep 1996, Vivek Sadananda Pai wrote:

> I find it funny that just days after ghen@netcom.com criticized
> someone else for giving misleading information, that the "Hare
> Krishna" virus article appeared. That article was so rife with
> inaccuracies that I have to wonder where Hindustan Times gets its
> information.

I posted the article from UPI, only to show how Hindu terms are portrayed
by foreign news media, with inaccuracies and all.  I did not have time to
editorialize, however, my intention should leave no doubt.  

I do not like trivialization Hindu names, symbols, Gods, gurus and 
names of organizations. 

I appeal to the readers of SRH, to keep their eyes open towards abuse of 
Hindus and things Hindu, and forward it to SRH and other Indian/Hindu 

If you have time, check out The Hindu Universe page on Ant-Defmation, where
such articles/news stories etc. are archived (this article too, will be
added during the next upgrade).  The URL :



ajay shah

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