
Re: REQUEST: Marriage Rites In Hindi?

Thanks for the response, I was beginning to wonder if my posting had been
mysteriously dumped into the mythical bit-bucket by news servers.

Jaldhar H. Vyas (jaldhar@braincells.com) wrote:

: > jang@eis.comm.mot.com (Saurabh Jang) wrote in article
: <ghenDxuA7o.76@netcom.com>...
: > I was wondering if it is possible for Hindu marriage rites to be
: > conducted in Hindi instead of Sanskrit. Do Hindi translations of
: > the Vedas and/or other scriptures that are used by Pundits on
: > such occasions exist?
: > 

: I'm sure there are but why would anyone need them?  The Sanskrt portion of
: the marriage ceremony isn't that complicated for most jatis and I don't
: that Illinois is that far out in the boondocks you couldn't find a
: qualified Pandit if you searched a bit.

The issue arose because I consider myself to be an atheist though born 
and brought up in a Hindu family. The person I intend to marry (she is Hindu) 
is not too enthusiastic about  the idea of a registered/court marriage and 
would like something resembling a conventional Hindu marriage. 

The only scenario in which that appears acceptable to me is if I can at least
understand the whole ritual, which will be impossible if it is going
to be in Sanskrit, as my knowledge of it consists of the rather poor
vestegial remains of a couple of years of Sanskrit in primary school. 

Just as a matter of self-education, which are the scriptures from which
the Shlokas recited in Hindu weddings are taken? Is it a matter of discretion
of the Pandit or are there any specific verses prescribed in the Vedas?
(I believe that one of the Vedas or one section of a Veda deals
solely with ritualistic aspects of the Hindu religion). Do Arya Samaj
weddings make any significant departures from the conventional Shlokas?


                              .     .
Saurabh Jang                 ...   ...     E-mail : jang@eis.comm.mot.com
Motorola, iDEN Development  ..... .....    Voice  : (847) 576-2630
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