ARTICLE : Purusha Suktham
The Rg Veda is the oldest scripture known to the mankind(said to be
composed around 5000BC). It contains highly philosophical as well
as devotional verses. The Purusha Suktha forms an integral part
of the Rg Veda Samhita.
Purusha Suktha is used traditionally almost in all Hindu rituals
or religious ceremonies. The Prurusha or Primieval Being is the
Lord of immortality. From Him was born the Virat (immense being).
The Purusha Suktha deals with the subject of manifestation of
the phenomenal world from the Purusha.
The Purusha Suktha answers cryptically the questions "How the
One became Many".
"The Purusha Suktha - An Exegesis " by Swami Harshananda (
published by Ramakrishna Mission, Bull Temple Road, Bangalore 50019,
INDIA ) is a handy edition for sincere students of Vedanta. The
language is simple, yet explanative. Copies are available from the
publisher at US$5 (inclusive of postage).