Re: ARTICLE : Just say no to "Hinduism" (was Re: ARTICLE : On
Subject: Re: ARTICLE : Just say no to "Hinduism" (was Re: ARTICLE : On
From: "Jaldhar H. Vyas" <jaldhar@braincells.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 04:18:10 GMT
Apparently-To: soc-religion-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
Organization: Consolidated Braincells Inc.
References: <ghenDwHznC.9A0@netcom.com> <ghenDwLMnu.392@netcom.com> <ghenDy7ErK.88w@netcom.com>
"H. Krishna Susarla" <susarla.krishna@tumora.swmed.edu> wrote in article
> Therefore, for this age, Vyaasa has compiled the Puraanas and the
> literatures, which explain the meaning of the Vedas. Thus, if you claim
> that the Vedas say one thing, and it is contradicted by the saatvik
> puraanas and the itihaasas, then your claim is incorrect.
Wait a minute, Maharshi Veda Vyas has composed 18 Puranas (and 18
Upapuranas) not just the sattvik.
How do you justify limiting authority to just six?
> Now, as for "Vaishnavs selectively reading the Vedas," the answer is no.
> Those who understand the Vedas know that there is a portion that is
> karma-kanda which deals with fruitive activites. This portion does
> prescribe methods of worshiping the demigods for fruitive results, and
> is what Lord Krishna refers to in the Bhagavad-Giitaa Chapter 2 when He
> says "trai-gunya-vishaya-veda..." The Vedas contain all knowledge, so
> naturally they also contain knowledge for those who are simply
> in material elevation, hence the worship of other deities.
There are Puranas which extol Shiva Bhagawan or Bhagawati Amba as the
supreme lord in precisely the same kind of language as Vaishnava Puranas
extol Vishnu Bhagawan. Ignoring their testimony is a perfact example of
selective reading.
> On the other hand, merely because the Vedas "honor other gods," that
> not in any way contradict the Vaishnava understanding. Vaishnavas do pay
> homage to other gods, but they only worship Vishnu for liberation,
> liberation can only be had by unalloyed devotion to Vishnu.
The Shaivas say liberation can only be attained by devotion to Shiva
Bhagawan and Shaktas, Ganapatyas, Sauras etc make the same claim for their
various ishtadevatas. The mistake all Ishvaravadis make is to read to
much into the arthavada portions of the shastras. The shastras teach
Dharma and the various stutis to different Gods are just there to praise
dharmic acts.
> It is not enough to respect the scripture (or to claim to respect it).
> has to know the scripture. And one can best know the message of the
> by reading scriptures like Bhagavad-Giitaa.
Or if you have Veda adhikara like me to read the Veda.
Jaldhar H. Vyas [jaldhar@braincells.com] o- beable .-_|\
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http://www.braincells.com/jaldhar/ Perth Amboy-> *.--._/
"Witty quote" - Dead Guy finger me for PGP key v McQ!