
Re: REQUEST : purchase of the Rig Veda

I bought a set of the Vedas from the Arya Samaj for 50 pounds

Its massive. 5 volumes of the Rg Veda.
1 large volume each of Artharva, Sama, Yajur.

Its not purported very much, just a Sanskrit to English translation.

Though I would really prefer a transliteration, this version displays
a different "qualitative" view of the vedas rather than a historical

The Arya Samaj are online, so you can search for them and order from

C ya


> Hello all,
> I've recently ordered an unabridged translation of the Rig Veda; the
> person there said it was two volumes and and a-thousand pages.  <bounce>
> <bounce>.  Its from the Vivekanda Vedanta Society in Chicago (translated
> by Ralph Griffith).  Because I've ordered from them before, the Swami said
> they'll just send it out with an invoice.  (Actually, the Swami remembered
> my name from just the orders I've placed!)
> They, however, usually undercharge their books - I pay a fair price
> anyway, not what they ask. This is what gets me - with shipping, the cost
> of the Veda should be under fourty dollars - this clearly isn't enough
> money!
> My question to you is what is a fair price for a copy of the Rig Veda -
> presume the translation is perfect?
> Bests,
> Jay
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mail posts to: ghen@netcom.com : http://www.hindunet.org/srh_home/


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