
Re: ARTICLE : SBG, shruti and smR^iti

: >brahma-sutra is obviously the result of a far more widely accepted
: >collection of texts, such that vyAsa wrote a sutra text instead of a
: >shAstra text, unlike the SBG, that is the primary text.  
: my apologies for taking the scholarly discussion to some
: tangential direction.
: i find it difficult to believe that  one individual in life
: time can   produce  more than one *great* text. and so, i
: find it impossible to  think that one person can be considered
: the author of so many books.
: is it possible that certain names are actually some kind of
: titles? we know, for example, shankaraachaarya is a generic name
: given to mathadhipathis. but several of their write ups end 
: as "shri sankara virachita". 

Take is easy on the subject.  It is well known that in old and ancient
times many writers used the name of a great person.  It is also know that
many people used scribes.  The idea and attitude being that, oh, this
writing is so great it must have be written by this person.  Or a saint
would give a teaching to their students who would also pass the teaching
along.  It would take several generation of students until the original
teaching was scribed, with several generations of enhancements and

Although Vyasa is accredited with both texts, I personnally doubt he wrote
both but personnally do not doubt that he provided the inspiration and
original teaching for both.



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