Re: ARTICLE : L.Vishnu
Subject: Re: ARTICLE : L.Vishnu
From: R Shivaramakrishnan <shivark@UDel.Edu>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 1996 01:09:59 -0400 (EDT)
Apparently-To: <ghen@netcom.com>
Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
Organization: University of Delaware
References: <5077j0$rd1@news.ececs.uc.edu>
In article <5077j0$rd1@news.ececs.uc.edu>,
MaHaTmA cOaT <n9506148@scholar.nepean.uws.edu.au> wrote:
>Does anyone know all the Aavtaras of l.Vishnu...and if so...why is more
>importance given to only two? L.Rama and L.krishna?
>for ex. why isnt much importance given to the first avatara of
>L.Vishnu....if he had not saved the world in the first place....then we
>would not be here!
>Venkatesh Kulkarni, n9506148@scholar.nepean.uws.edu.au
10 (DashAvatarAs):
matsya (fish)
kurma (tortoise)
varAha (boar)
narasimha (man-lion)
vAmana (brahmin boy)
parashurAma (valiant son of an ascetic)
shrIrAma (prince and then king)
kRshnA (cowherd, prince, charioteer, advisor, etc. etc.)
buddhA (prince philosopher)
kalkI ( [to come in future] )
In some versions, balarAma is considered as the 8th avatAr
and KrshnA as 9th instead of buddhA.
Importance given to rAma and kRshnA, according to me,
is because:
1) The two great epics, rAmayaN and mahAbhArat describe
events that occur during the time of these two avatArs respectively.
2) Both were very similar to the average man on earth. Went through
circumstances not very different from those which any human
person living at that time would have encountered.
3) Inspite of being gods (where GOD is PERFECT), they are recorded
as having committed "wrong" acts (rAma killed vAli in hiding, kRshnA
was instrumental in many war schemes aimed at deceit like
the killing of ashwatthAmA, delaying the sunset for ArjunA etc.).
I shall end here for now. I hope I was able to address some
of the questions you had.
Best regards.
harE rAm harE kR.shN