Re: ARTICLE : Just say no to "Hinduism" (was Re: ARTICLE : On
Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian (rbalasub@ecn.purdue.edu) wrote:
: Could it, by any chance, be a swami trying to convert westerners to his creed
: by "diluting" Indian philosophy? I mean, use the carrot and stick principle,
: i.e., dangle the carrot that christ = Krishna to get more followers, since
: many Westerners would like a creed that accepts Jesus.
: Hey, I dunno.
: But seriously if "our father who art in heaven" refers to Krishna and christ =
: Krishna, then is "our father who art in heaven" actually Christ? And so was
: Christ praying to himself? Does that make him a neo-advaitin? Or may be he was
: a not-so-neo-advaitin? What would the Christians have to say to this
: equating of Christ="our father"? Opens up interesting possibilities eh?
: And any Indians here who pronounce Krishna as Krsta? If you do, I think you
: have some serious problems with speaking simple words :-).
Dear Sri Ramakrishnan:
Thank you for raising the question. This is a difficult question to deal
with, especially since Paramahasa Yoganandaji has said that. He has also
preached that OM = Amen, Amin etc. Neither can be supported by
Scriptures. However, Paramahansaji talked about the 'inner Christ'.
I have a audio tape that has a song and commentary by him. The song goes
like (if I remember correctly).
Oh my Christ come
Cloud colored Christ come.. etc.
With best regards,