
Re: ARTICLE : SBG, shruti and smR^iti

Dear Jaldharji,

 Thanks for the posting.

Jaldhar H. Vyas (jaldhar@braincells.com) wrote:
: dchakrav@netserv.unmc.edu (Dhruba Chakravarti) wrote in article
: <ghenDx7vos.54M@netcom.com>...
: > The point of this discussion was, smR^itis are considered inferior
: > literature, and shrutis are considered superior.  Describing the SBG as
: > smR^iti is therefore is in question.
: > 
: Smrti is not inferior to Shruti.  It is later so if there is a conflict
: between the two, Shruti takes precedence but even then the usual practice

Sruti is the ultimate truth, they are not subjected to
change, whereas the Smritis are evolved/written for a
society depending on the social needs at that time. It
is possible that Smritis could be based on Srutis, but
need not be the case always. For example, the latest
Smriti in India, the Indian Constitution can be
changed by suitable ammendments within the framework
of the Smriti setup earlier. This piece of Smriti is
based on many Srutis and the holy books of other 
religions, but this does not presume it as a requirement.
In that sense, we may say, Smriti stands at a lower  
level as compared to Srutis, but this does not mean
that Smritis are inferior, both are required for
the society.

: of the Shastris is to try and reconcile the two.  Most of our current
: rites and  customs (especially for non-Brahmans) are based on Smrti not
: Shruti but that doesn't make them any less "Vedic."

As Smritis govern the indivdual's day to day life,
he may be more influenced by the Smritis than the
Srutis. In my opinion, if the Smriti is right, it
should be the bridge between the individual and 
Sruti, and there should not be any conflict between
the two.



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