No where as I have known, has he made such fantastic claims for
the Vedantins, or the Sanatana Dharmists (pardon my usage) or
the Hindu zealots. It is true though that he has 'suggested'
possible links to the ancient Vedic seers, their culture and
the remote Mayan civilizations in the Latin American areas.
Further, he has not as far I know, spoken lightly of the eminent
scientists of their achievements. The farthest he had gone was
to lament the total abandonment of the traditional training in
the education system and adopt the totally Western oriented
education system without any fostering of the local traditions.
He has even in his talks made jocular references to the neither-
here-nor-there (ABCD in current parlance) of the brilliant but
unsure modernists.
My request to people who want to garner credit for the Hindu
accomplishment by citing realized souls is just this -
Please do not quote 'out-of-context, non-existent, convenient-
to-the-point' articles without verifying the authenticity of
such. In the recent times, especially since the RJB times,
claiming everything to be of the Hindu origin is a fad that
better be checked.
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