Re: ARTICLE : Puraanas (was Re: REQUEST : Sai baba)
Posted By Vijay Sadananda Pai (
7 Jan 1997 21:17:38 GMT
In article <>, Mani Varadarajan <> wrote:
>If what I say is correct, and Gaudiyas do not do
>Veda adhyayanam, sandhyAvanda, etc., it cannot be said
>that they study the Veda or that they are Vaidikas in
>the same sense as other traditional scholars in India.
If sandhyavandana is used as a necessary criterion for
being said to study the Vedas, then sannyasis of the Maadhva
(and, I suppose, Shankara) order also "cannot be said
[to] study the Veda or that they are Vaidikas in
the same sense as other traditional scholars in India." However,
this can't be what you were implying, was it?
-- Vijay