Re: ARTICLE : What's going on? Help

Posted By Gary Stevason (
Fri, 14 Feb 1997 03:57:55 GMT

Phantom of the Opera ( wrote:
: I'd like to know however, how and why it matters who is right
: and who is wrong as long as you haven't seen God/Brahman/Krishna/Om
: face to face.

Dear Phantom, I embrace your opinions about mud slinging as not being
part of the search for Krsna.

Unless we've seen Krsna face to face, then we will argue these questions.
We tend to base our feelings about this and that being true on our own
attachments. Or we fortunately encounter someone whose devotion reaches
into our heart of hearts and awakens us, then we will follow them.

I notice that most 'religious' aspirants become bogged down in words and
idioms and images; after all we do have an attachment to our wonderful
clever brains as well. Then our false pride will cause us to assume our
path is best.

In the end there is only Krsna. And for the wise man on the express train
to the Kingdom, there was only Him all along. It is our sincerity He
wants, but it seems there are so many other things we want too. So as we
move from school to school, life to life, we eventually become completely
honest in our desire to really know Him, and settle on a valid approach.

If we can achieve this honesty immediately, then He will be here. He is
always here, were we only to really look.


THE RADMAN . . . . Gary Stevason .....
"Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me.  I shall 
deliver you from all sinful reaction.  Do not fear."  -  God, Bhagavad-gita

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