NEWS : Seeking closer ties with Hinduism

Posted By Ashok V Chowgule (
Sat, 08 Feb 97 10:53:19 EST

Title : Seeking closer ties with Hinduism
Author :
Publication : Hindu Heritage
Date :

The Japanese religious scholars and intellectuals representing the
Shinto and Buddist faiths had this to say about the historical

Ven. Eiki Ikeda, President of the Japan Buddhist Council of World
Federation, called the meet unique. "We are making special efforts
to forge closer relations with Bharat", he said. The conference was
a step in that direction, according to him. Shri Ikeda fondly
recalled his meeting with Dalai Lama in Bharat.

Ven. Gijun Sugitani, Chief Director of the Tendai sect lamented
that though Japan has progressed economically the Japanese have
lost much on the spiritual side," Bharat has shown the way to
peaceful coexistence of diverse faith since ancient times," he
said. He emphasized upon the worship of nature gods. Concepts of
Dharma-Karma-Moksha, common to both Shinto and Hindu faiths, lead
mankind to live in harmony with nature, he said.

Ven. Yukio Yamado, Professor of Ryukoku University, and head of
Hon-ha Hongaji -Temple, Jodo Shin sect; emphasized upon the
necessity of 'research in spiritual needs of mankind' and hoped the
conference will prove the first step in that direction.

Ven. Tensei Kitabatake, president Ryukoku University, said that
the University Was proud to host the first-ever conference of
Hinduism, Buddhism and Shintoism. He asked the delegates to follow
the message of equality of all. as preached by Lord Buddha.

Ven. Bunsho Kasumi, Hon. President, Eminence of Nippon Temple,
Indiosan and Ex-president of Myoshinji Rinzai sect, lauded the meet
as indeed an epoch-making event in the long history of Japan. It is
now time, he said, when we should recall the teachings of Sakyamuni
that emphasized presence of Buddha nature in ever being and
reaffirmed that not only human beings but every living thing has a
right to live together on the earth.

Hon. Sh. Hirohide Vozumi, Vice-Chairman of National Federation of
Commerce and Industrial Association, stressed on the need of
understanding among the human beings. "War is disastrous, ahimsa is
the only solution," he stated.

Ven. Daien Uchida, President of Indian Cultural Study Association
and Chairman of Working Committee of the conference described the
meet as the first ever endeavour to unite Asian philosophies
originating from the holy peaks of the Himalayas. "Hinduism, when
broadly interpreted, is said to embrace Brahmanism, Buddhism,
Jainism and other Indian philosophies," stated the learned
Jodo-Shinshu scholar. "The Age of Asia is to arrive upon the
foundation of understanding and harmony among Hinduism, Shintoism
and Buddhism," he said.

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