Re: Third Community of Khalsas

Posted By Rajinder Nijjhar (
Thu, 27 Feb 1997 13:41:30 GMT

In message <> (Rajwinder Singh) writes:

> Rajinder Nijjhar ( wrote in article
<> on Fri, 21 Feb 1997 18:40:16 GMT :

I am not a super donkey carrying Holy Books. Do you think the BEERR
that you are carrying in the Gurdwara is NOT a KHARI BEERR that was
forbidden by Satguru Arjan Devji?

Hindu is one who knows his "HOND", the tribal identity and residence.
Antonym of a Hindu is a bastard, who does not know his HONDH.
Sikh is a student, who learns spiritual knowledge through SHABD.
Antonym of a Sikh is a KAFIR, who utters non-sense from his mouth.
Khalsa is a philanthropist who fights for the honour of the oppressed.
Antonym of a Khalsa is a DUSHT, a cruel person.
Apostles or Nirmallae Sants preach NAAM through Akaal Takht.
Antonym of a Sant is a KOORRIYAAR, an anti-christ.
Har Mandir Sahib Complex is for the Sikhs and the Nirmallae Sants.

> >Further, a person cannot be a Sikh of a Satguru unless he is a
> >disciple of a Pandit guru who imparts the
> >worldly knowledge of his physical parents and how to lead your life
> >in the political circles. The duty of a
> >Pandit is to keep the person reminded of his physical father and that
> >makes a person a Hindu. The word

> Vaaheguroo ji ka Khalsa Vaaheguroo ji ki Fateh!

> What is the scriptural/historical basis for these opinions?

> --
> -- Rajwinder Singh <>
> _______________________________________________________________________
> sikkeh zad bar har dui aalam tegh-i-naanak waahib ast
> fateh gobind singh shaah-i-shaahaa(n) fazl i sacha saahib ast

> The sword of the central Doctrine of Nanak destroys the evils of both
> the worlds, the poverty and slavery on this earth, and the sickness of
> the soul hereafter, and we hereby proclaim our sovereignity over both
> the worlds, the seen and the unseen. The final victory in our struggle
> has been vouchsafed by Guru Gobind Singh, the Harbinger of the good
> tidings of the ever present Grace of God.
> --Inscription from a Sikh coin struck by Banda Singh Bahadur in 1710
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mail posts to: :

             Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar Jat M.Sc.

Gnostics are the living christs(satgurus) of the Living God, PAAR BRAHM. AWAL ALLAH NOOR UPAYAE, KUDRAT DAE SABH BANDAE. Say ALLAH HOO AKBAR.

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