REQUEST : Mahabharata

Posted By V.M. Bhide (bhidevm@muss.cis.McMaster.CA)
30 Jan 1997 21:24:34 -0500

Hello Everybody:

Boy am I glad that a newsgroup like this exists. I am currently a student
in my fourth year of University. I am also taking an independent study
course on the Mahabharata. Living in the electronic information age, I
decided to try the net to tap into some potential resources. In my
course, we are looking at the Udyoga Parvan and trying to relate it back
to the Dicing Game in terms of accusations of cheating, was there really
any cheating, etc.

Would anyone happen to know of any resources that I could look into to
obtain more information about the dicing game? Any help would be
appreciated!! Please feel free to email me!



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