Posted By Mikkey Panchal (mpanchal@jupiter.scs.Ryerson.CA)
11 Apr 1997 13:28:06 GMT
I would like to know why many of my fellow Hindu brothers and
sisters go directly against our religion. It states in the Gita that
killing of any sort is banned by a Hindu, and yet there are
brothers/sisters/uncles and aunties out there that freely consume meat.
Why is it for them ok to eat fish, chicken etc, but not beef? If you
want to eat meat, why not just eat everything?? What.. eating beef is
sinned cause of the religious aspects of the cow?? What about the sins
you commit while eating the other animals? All I can say is the desi
mentality just hits me sometimes. Thats like me saying I eat all fruits
from apples to oranges, but I cannot eat a pineapple cause of my
religion.. (sounds like bullshit right).. my point exactly.
Not being Jain myself, I would like to take the time to
appreciate the Jaina's out there. Not only are *MOST* uncles and aunts
vegetarians, but they have also brought up their kids in the same
belief of vegetarianism. I'm open to any feedbacks that you may have.
Mikkey Panchal [-RYeRSON-]
Third Year Computer SCiENCE
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"It's not about making it anymore, it's about keeping it!"