> I would also like to point out here that there is no line of separation
> between spiritual and secular in some of the Vedantic schools of thought like
> Advaita (Only Brahman is) or Vishistadvaita (Jiva and Jagat are the bodies of
> Brahman: sarira-sariri). So from that point of view, study of nature (Physics,
> chemistry etc) may also be thought of as enquiry into the nature of Brahman
> through the sense organs.
Which according to advaita is impossible.
yato vAcho nivartante | aprApya manasA saha |
Physics, chemistry etc belong to the realm of avidyA or vyAvahArika if you
like that term better, and enquiring into these is not enquiry into the self.
Of course, this does not mean an advaitin cannot be a scientist.
-- http://yake.ecn.purdue.edu/~rbalasub/
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