Re: REQUEST : Origin of "Patel"

Posted By Y. Malaiya (
Wed, 02 Apr 1997 16:43:10 -0700

KPATEL wrote:

> I am writting a artical about origin of "Patel" in my town directory.
> Anyone know about this ,please kindly E mail me,at

Patta is a flat surface for writing, the term was often used for
royal commands and declarations. "Patel" or "Patil" was the title
of a local officer appointed by the ruler.

The name Patel is now used for several communities involved
in farming. They are also called "Kunbi". This word is derived
from Sanskrit "Kautumbika", meaning the chief of a clan. If I
remember correctly, it first occurs in a Buddhist inscription by
a Maitraka king in Gujarat.


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