Re: ARTICLE : Regarding "Hindu-ism" and other "isms"

Posted By Manoj Nanda (
Tue, 08 Apr 97 12:26:00 PDT

People who judge you by your skin colour are of similar ignorance which
parallels with racism, if your are a HIndu your basic belief system would
encompass the concept of reincarnation.meaning that regardless of how you
look the real you is the atman. Progress in the mysticism in Sanatana
Dharma would enable people to see each other as the atman but then you
probably know all of this my friend.
the concept of hindus is debatable.
Schoolars may be able to clarify me on this
either HIndus was coined by Persians or mentioned in Vedas.
for me the core is dharma which is not an ism just the right path,
so I usually refer to it as Sanatana Dharma, but then people say to me
what is that?
I share your pattern of thought and certainly am against any forms of
race discrimination.
This may have all arisen out of the notion of outcastes who are not
within the formal caste system, my reading of the Vedas does not show me
anything along these lines.
Any scholars have points on this?

F.B.S. <> wrote in article <>...
> Namaste
> I would like to make an observation, and see what others have to say
> regarding that observation.
> Previous to the British colonization, and other factors, there was no
> such thing as a religion refered to as "Hindu-ism", in fact, looking
> at the word "Hindu-ism", is like saying "Negro-ism" or "Anglo-ism" or
> "Italian-ism".
> Correct me if I am wrong, however it seems to me that the common
> thread of the Vedas flows through all Indian Religion and Religious
> Practice, yet like Truth Her/His/It-Self manifests in many forms.
> I see the same thing has happened to "Sikh-ism" and "Christian-ity"
> and "Buddh-ism".
> Does anybody follow my train of thought here?
> I know that I may be stepping on some toes, and I certainly don't wish
> to offend anyone at all, however, there are certain groups and
> individuals that have fostered these "isms" within Dharma.
> I happen to be a "white-skinned" American, and I find it amusing that
> many Indians have the notion that only those born into "Hindu-'ism'"
> are "truly 'Hindu's'" (whatever that is supposed to mean".
> When I read Upanisads, Vedas , I see none of the ludicrous and
> obnoxious behavior.
> The One Reality, if She/He not only pervades everything, but IS
> everyThing and everyMoment, than how could a person possibly accept
> Caste, Race, etc. as some sort of ruler to measure individuals by?
> Even being very familiar with proper behavior and customs, when I have
> gone into a "Hindu" temple, I am generally treated as strange, even
> "untouchable", like because of my skin I don't belong there. I find
> this very sad.
> Rupee for your thoughts. . . . . . .
> F.B.S.
> --
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