Re: INFO REQ: Proto-Shiva seal from Mojenjo-daro

Posted By Perwesh Sharma (
Mon, 19 May 1997 22:16:58 +0100

Not sure about the seal but I have heard about the connection between
druids and brahmins. We have always maintained Aryan movement into the
West. Politics of the day, of course, tend to dictate history but truth
wins at the end.

We had a class brahmins known as Drudh brahmins; their job was to
propagate knowledge - eq to a Christian missionary.

In article <>, Richard Grant <>
>I am researching an article (for a journal called GREEN EGG published
>in California) about connections between the early Hindu tradition and
>the ancient spiritual and/or shamanic traditions practiced
>concurrently in Europe. The problem is that we know so very little
>about the latter, in comparison to the former. Some scholars, for
>instance, have drawn a connection between the Brahmins and the Celtic
>Druids. But whereas we know a lot about Brahmins, almost nothing is


>Can anyone shed any light on this mystery? (Both images can be viewed
>on my web site at the URL below.) Thanks in advance for any
>information, or for opinions more educated than my own.
> richard grant
> "The more materialistic science becomes, the more angels shall I
> paint." -- Edward Burne-Jones, 1879

Perwesh Sharma

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