Re: Idol Worship - Reply to Mani

Posted By Jerzy Tarasiuk (
29 May 1997 13:43:12 +0200

>>>>> Mani Varadarajan <> writes:
> any average temple in India where worshippers
> pray, unadulterated by the modern shame with which
> most English-speaking, alienated Hindus approach idol
> worship. Ask these traditional practicants of the
> Hindu faith think the image itself is the very manifestation
> of the Deity and they will no doubt concur.

Hello, Mani
I'm not sure if I correctly understand your words, but
seems (for me) they are almost clear statement that
people of Hindu faith "think the image itself is the
very manifestation of the Deity". My questions:
- is the statement true? I would like to see opinions
from more than one person, to be sure about the answer.
- what means "manifestation" in this statement?
Please notice I'm not Hindu, and I have very little
knowledge about your religion, therefore many things
easily understood by you may be ambiguous for me.


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