Re: REQUEST : Darshanas

Posted By Per Kistler (
Sat, 21 Jun 1997 17:08:59 +0200

Hi Jaison

The six darshanas of hinduism are:
Yoga, samkhy, purva mimamsa, uttara mimamsa, nyaya and vaisheshika.

These are diffent concepts of the practice of hinduism. For example,
nyaya consists of many logico-philosophical treatises, whereas
purva mimamsa has more to to with religious ceremonies. This is just
one way to group hindu practices. One can also divide hinduism according
the main godess whorshiped, like: Vaishnavas, shaivas, shakatas,
and sauryas.

In any case, hinduism is a vast field:-)

Bye, Per.
Per Kistler
Programmer (Unix/Perl/C++)
Institute for Isotope Geology and Mineral Resources, ETH, Switzerland

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