The Tamil Proverb (Avanillamal Oru Anuvum Asiyathu) states that
without the presence and grace of God, the world will stand still! This
statement implies that God is the cause for all actions. Standard
textbooks in Physics state that energy is the ability or capacity to do
work (action). Now using standard logical inference, God becomes the
source of energy for all actions. People who follow spiritual life do
believe that they are the agents of God and the purpose of their living
is to serve the society at large. The Hindu belief can be summarized by
this Sanskrit quotation "Iram Sariram, Parobakaram Palam." This
quotation states that the only purpose for which God has created the
human body is to serve the society. God, the creator can neither be
created nor be destroyed. Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed!
God has to be the Energy and is eternal.
Now let me try to analyze the different segments of me. I have a
body, a mind, an intellect and an Atman (soul or conscience). My body,
mind and intellect will function as long as live with my full conscience.
My life is determined by the presence of Atman which is the source for
all my actions. Those who believe in God will argue that the source of
Atman is God or Brahman. The nature of relationship between Atman and
Brahman comes from human perception which comes from culture, education,
traditions, faith and my religious conviction. Those who follow the Hare
Krishna movement are likely to believe that Lord Krishna is the energy
source. Though, there may be diverse opinions on the relationship between
Atman and Brahman, the Hindus fundamentally agree that God is the source
of life and action.
Religion is a delicate area for discussion and opinion.
Classification of a religion into mainstream and sub-stream is subjective
and such classification is neither necessary nor fruitful. Every
religion in this universe is revolving and evolving and a mainstream can
become a sub- stream and vice versa. The river Ganges has mainstreams
and sub-streams and waters from mainstreams or sub-streams are still
considered Ganges water. We do see more and more pollution in rivers
such as Ganges and religions in general and Hinduism in particular are no
exception to such pollution!
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