Interesting view. But for me it is not completely clear what
is purpose of flag for an army... maybe for many soldiers it
is the same as that of idol for devotee, maybe for some it is
different. If you understand thoughts of prof. Krishnamoorthy,
can you please explain it more detaily?
> superior to the worship of images. In fact, however, it must be admitted
> that all worship is idol worship. Primitive man made a scrawl of a head
All worship in Hinduism, or all worship in any religion?
As I'm not Hindu, I cannot speak for this religion, but I can
say for mu own religion (I'm Christian, Catholic): it is
possible to woship God, not an idol, in it. Just the day
before yesterday was day of remembrance of the fact.
> on a wall and called it God. Civilized man shuts his eyes and imagines an
> anthropomorphic image with arms and legs and calls it God. Both are
> idols. The difference is not one of kind but only of degree. Hinduism has
It is very good notice: whatever originates from human's
mind, can be idol only. God isn't what is originated from
our minds, He is who made our minds thinking...
And, I assume worshipping image made in own mind is worse
than worshipping an idol standing in a temple, for the
idol in a temple may express one's knowledge about God,
and although the knowledge may be very poor, it may show
some truth not present in the mind of the worshipper.
And, of course, an image in mind will adapt to whatever
the worshipper wishes, while an image outside may demand
the worshipper to accept some truth when he wants other.
Therefore, the first is like a compass which always shows
"you are going in right direction", while the second is
a compass which shows something dependend on direction
in which one goes - even if the dependence is small, and
direction shown incorrect, it is always some measure of
direction change and can help find correct way.
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