I am glad to see your profound reply with several thoughtful
questions. Let me try an honest attempt to explain. If my explanation
clears your doubts, it is because of the grace of God and if it confuses
you, I am responsible!
> Interesting view. But for me it is not completely clear what
> is purpose of flag for an army... maybe for many soldiers it
> is the same as that of idol for devotee, maybe for some it is
> different. If you understand thoughts of prof. Krishnamoorthy,
> can you please explain it more detaily?
An idol symbolically represents GOD and a Flag symbolically represents
the country. Just like the idols, the flag also undergoes rituals at
least twice a day! When the soldiers fight the wars, they can see the
invisible country through the flag! Though soldiers may not be able to
comprehend their country, they can visualize it in the flag.
> All worship in Hinduism, or all worship in any religion?
> As I'm not Hindu, I cannot speak for this religion, but I can
> say for mu own religion (I'm Christian, Catholic): it is
> possible to woship God, not an idol, in it. Just the day
> before yesterday was day of remembrance of the fact.
In fact the worship pattern in Hinduism is much more diverse than the
rest of all religions and the above statement could be valid for any
religion. There can't be any action without a cause. There can't be any
worship without an image! An image can be either physical or mental just
like the body can be either physical or subtle. For a person who is
not familiar with the Cross, it doesn't mean anything. But for Christians
it has historical and biblical significance.
> It is very good notice: whatever originates from human's
> mind, can be idol only. God isn't what is originated from
> our minds, He is who made our minds thinking........
You have said it so beautifully and there is nothing more to add to
> And, I assume worshiping image made in own mind is worse
> than worshiping an idol standing in a temple, for the
> idol in a temple may express one's knowledge about God,
> and although the knowledge may be very poor, it may show
> some truth not present in the mind of the worshiper.............
All major religions of the world attempt to help the public to develop
positive attitudes toward their life. Religions also help the public to
cultivate worshiping patterns. The method of Worshiping is also
influenced by culture and traditions. Worship is a method of
communication used by human beings to correspond with GOD! Languages
and worshiping patterns have lots of similarities. There are advantages
and disadvantages in having so many languages and worshiping patterns.
We may to agree that this diversity is an asset rather than a liability.
The individual who chose a particular method of worshiping patterns is
the best judge to decide what is suitable for his (her) requirement. Any
attempt to make value judgement on worshiping patterns can potentially
lead to religious fanaticm and religious fundamentalism.
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