There are many new and extraordinary developments at SAT
these days. Some of them are reflected in the |NEW| pages
on the SAT web site, especially the new description of SAT,
the truly wonderful article on the 'Timeless Presence' of
Sri Bhagavan (from the Centenary Book celebrating his
arrival at Arunachala,) and an appeal for the preservation
of Arunachala as a sacred center. (These are the first three
links below.)
The SAT Web site is getting so big you may appreciate a way
to go easily to some of the things that interest you most.
Your browser may be able to take you there just by clicking
now on the links below.
We hope the SAT site is useful in your spiritual life, and
hope to hear from you as to ways in which it can be even
more so. Om Namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya.
For a new description of SAT:
For the article by Master Nome on 'Timeless Presence':
For the article on the preservation of Arunachala:
For answers to frequently asked questions about SAT:
For a very recent satsang, 'Concept Free':
For the most recent list of events open to the public:
For news on the availability of audio and video tapes:
...and, of course, much more--plus the SAT home page:
Please let us hear from you. Jai Bhagavan!
On behalf of SAT, the Society of Abidance in Truth.
Honoring the great Non-dual tradition, and Sri Ramana Maharshi.
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