Re: ARTICLE : Bhakti, jnana, and karma (was Re: ARTICLE : Idol Worship - Reply)
Posted By Dr. Jai Maharaj (
Thu, 05 Jun 1997 22:18:58 GMT
In article <>, (Kunal Singh) wrote:
> . . .
>If anyone believes that bhakts are people who have transcended the
>"gyana chakra" after these people keep proposing ladder theories of
>yoga where you have to change gears once in a while, I've got a bridge
>I want to sell them!
One trusts the bridge is called "Kundalini".
A Bhakt is a devotee and may be at a different point on the path than another,
proceeding in either direction -- forward or backward.
Jai Maharaj
Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer
Om Shanti
Jai Maharaj
Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer
Om Shanti
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