INFO : An online book

Posted By Art D'Adamo (
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 11:56:39 GMT

For a long time we have been accustomed to the compartmentalization
of religion and science as if they were two quite different and
basically unrelated ways of seeing the world. I do not believe that
this state of doublethink can last. It must eventually be replaced
by a view of the world which is neither religious nor scientific
but simply our view of the world. More exactly, it must become a
view of the world in which the reports of science and religion are
as concordant as those of the eyes and the ears.
Alan Watts, The Joyous Cosmology

An on-line book
Science Without Bounds:
A Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Mysticism
describes a world view that is both scientific and religious,
a world view derived by applying science's way of knowing
to the insights of the mystics.

The entire text of "Science Without Bounds" is available for
browsing and download at

Art D'Adamo,

(Posted occasionally to various news groups).

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