Re: REQUEST : The Gita: verse 3:35 (= also 18:47)

Posted By Amitabh Adhikari (
Sun, 10 Aug 1997 23:45:13 -0400

Svenholm wrote:
> Hej,
> Can someone provide me commentories on verse 3:35 of The Gita:
> "It is far better to discharge one's prescribed duties, even though
> faultily, than another's duties perfectly. Destruction in the course
> of performing one's own duty is better than engaging in another's
> duties, for to follow another's path is dangerous."
> I already have commentories by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and by
> Swami Prabhupada, I need more "classical" commetators.
> Thanking in advance,
> Svenholm
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mail posts to: :
I have a commentary from the commentary by S.Radhakrishnan, former
president of India. His book includes the transliteration and commentary
by him. Here it is
There is more happiness in doing one's own work even without excellence
than in doing another's duty well. Each one must try to understand his
psychophysical make-up and function in accordance with it. It may not be
given to all of us to lay the foundations of systems of metaphysics or
clothe lofty thoughts in enduring words. We have not all the same gifts,
but what is vital is not whether we are endowed with five talents or
only one but how faithfully we have employed the trust committed to us.
We must play our part,manfully, be it great or small. Goodness denotes
perfection of quality. However distasteful one's duty may be, one must
be faithful to it even unto death.

18:47 -It is no use employing our minds in tasks which are alien to our
nature. In each of us lies a principle of becoming an idea of divine
self-expression. It is our real nature, svabhaava, finding partial
expression in our various activities. By following its guidance in our
thought, aspiration and endeavour, we progressively realize the
intention of the Spirit for us. What we call democracy is a way of life
which requires us to respect the rights of every human being to be a
person, a unique entity. We should never despise any man, for he can do
something which others cannot.

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