Re: ARTICLE : Hindu deities on Hercules TV show

Posted By Joseph Michael Bay (jmbay@leland.Stanford.EDU)
19 Sep 1997 04:04:57 -0700

tkd <> writes:

>Namaste. I thought you might be concerned to find out that the producers
>of the Hercules TV show are intending to do a series where Hercules
>encounters "Hindu deities." The hero or main character of the
>"Hercules" show is supposedly the Greek god Hercules. The program
>regularly features fictional accounts of him fighting with other Greek
>"gods." It is entirely fictional, but the so-called Greek gods are
>manipulated by the scriptwriters and oftentimes appear selfish, lustful,
>vengeful, conniving, etc., and of course are always defeated by

Well, the ancient Greeks thought of gods rather differently. Their
gods were basically really powerful ageless and deathless humans, with
all their features -- especially their faults -- magnified. So selfish,
lustful, vengeful, conniving, etc., are perfectly legitimate ways
for the scriptwriters to depict them.

Also, from what I've seen of the show, "Hindu deities" will probably
just mean big giant guys with more arms than people tend to have.

Maybe he chops jail / Holy peace jabs him / "Hey, apish camel job!"
Sheep mail Bach joy / Piece amyl hash job / "Peach bile mash?  Joy!"
Chimes peal joy.  Bah. / Obey chips; heal jam / Icy colon barge

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