The theory that Jesus visited India during his lost years and after his
crucifiction is very thought provoking and interesting. However, I have
found this to be simply a theory not founded in evidence. Many stories
have circulated but I have not come across any hard evidence of
this(i.e. first hand accounts by disciples or Indian historians, etc.).
The fact that temples were built to Jesus comes as no suprise in that
one of the Apostles made his way out to India while preaching the
gospel. He was their persecuted and eventual died their. I believe it
was Peter. However, I could be wrong about who it was. I have
extensively studied the doctrine taught in the Bible, especially taught
by Jesus. What people often overlook, is that Jesus simply restated
what was already known to the ancient Jews. The Jews of Jesus' day had
forgotten the proper ways to act and live. Jesus, according to the
Bible and other extra-biblical account such as Josephus, primarily came
to call the Jews to action. Only later did he preach to the gentiles.
He simply taught ancient Judaism to commoners and religious leaders who
had gone astray. He spoke of the ancient Hebrew prophecies being
fulfilled in him and in his life. He taught no other religion to his
people. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is from the
Ancient Hebrew scriptures. Remember, he said the most important
commandment of all was to "Love the Lord your God with all you
heart..." He was not speaking of Shiva or any other god. He was
speaking of YHWH from the Old Testament.