.. n:Xraj:st::ð*: , c:rN: S:àög: reht: ( p:t:nj:el: ) ..
c:rN:S:à¤reht: n:Xraj:st::ð*:m:Î
charaNashR^iN^garahita naTaraajastotram.h
Send corrections to P . P . Narayanaswami at swami@math.mun.ca
This hymn is by Sage Patanjali, the author and compiler of the famous
yogasuutra . Once upon a time, as the story of the origin of
the hymn goes, Nandi, Shiva's carrier would not allow Patanjali Muni to have
Darshan of the Lord Shiva (Nataraja of Chidambaram). In order to reach Lord
Shiva, Patanjali, with his mastery over grammatical forms,
spontaneously composed this prayer in praise of the
Lord without using any extended (`diirgham') syllable,
(without `charaNa' and `shR^iN^ga' i.e . leg and horn) to tease Nandi.
Shiva was quickly pleased, gave Darshan to the devotee, and danced to the
lilting tune of this song .
The place where this incidence is said to have happened is
Chidambaram (also known as Thillai), located about a hundred miles
from Madras, Tamilnadu, India . It is considered to be one of the
holiest places in India . In this temple, which has a gold covered roof,
Lord Nataraja is present in a cosmic-dancing form . Many books have been
written on the greatness of the temple and its deity and can also be inferred
from various hymns composed in praise of the Lord by the Shaiva
Siddhanta Saints.
Please refer to http://www.geocities.com/Athens/2583
for more information and detailed description of Shaiva Siddhanta.
The translation of the hymn is based on Smt . Usha Bhise's and is taken from
the book `caranasrngarahitam natarajastotram.' This book also contains a sanskrit
commentary on this stotra by Chandrakala . The book was published by Bharati
Samskrta Vidya Niketanam in 1992-
.. AT:-c:rN:S:à¤reht:-n:Xraj:st::ð*:m:Î ..
s:deWc:t: m:ØdeWc:t: en:kÙeWc:t: p:dö J:l:J:l:Wc:el:t: m:Wj:Ø kXkm:Î
p:t:Wj:el: dág:Wj:n: m:n:Wj:n: m:c:Wc:l:p:dö j:n:n: B:Wj:n: krm:Î .
kdmb:,ec:m:mb:rv:s:ö p:rm:mb:Ød kdmb: kev:Rmb:k kg:l:m:Î
ec:dmb:ØeD: m:eN:ö b:ØD: Ædmb:Øj: rev:ö p:r ec:dmb:r n:Xö Æed B:j: .. 1..
Heartily resort to the great dancer Shiva, residing in the holy place,
Chidambaram . He is called Hara (the destroyer) who smashed the three cities
(of demon tripura). He is worshipped by good people . While dancing he has
lifted one foot which is bent . His lovely bracelets are set in motion of
dance movements and hence are making a jingling sound . He is like
ointment to the eyes of Patanjali by whose application the vision gets
clear for receiving knowledge . However, he is free from contamination of
any kind . He destroys the cycle of birth (and death). He possesses the
loveliness of Kadamba tree; wears the sky as garment . His throat is dark
like the multitude of rainy clouds . He is the jewel in the ocean of
consciousness . He is the the Sun blossoming the lotus- heart
of wise persons.
hrö e*:p:Ør B:Wj:n:ö An:nt:kát:k¢N:ö AK:NRdy: m:nt:reht:ö
ev:ereWc:s:Ørs:öhet:p:ØrnD:r ev:ec:ent:t:p:dö t:,N:c:ndÓm:kÙXm:Î .
p:rö p:d ev:K:eNRt:y:m:ö B:es:t: m:eNRt:t:n:Øö m:dn:v:Wc:n: p:rö
ec:rnt:n:m:m:Øö )N:v:s:eWc:t:en:eD:ö p:r ec:dmb:r n:Xö Æed B:j: .. 2..
Heartily resort to the great dancer, Shiva, residing in the holy
place, Chidambaram . He is the destroyer of the world, who destroys sin and
grants emancipation . He has destroyed the three cities of demon tripura,
representing the three types of sorrows . He is wearing the great serpent,
ananta, like a bracelet . He is incessantly showering compassion and is
endless . God Brahma, Indra and the other devatas meditate upon his feet.
The crescent moon adorns his crown.
The great one has crushed yama by his feet . His body is decorated with ash.
He is inclined to brush aside cupid . His preciousness is saturated in
the syllable - AUM.
Av:nt:m:eK:l:ö j:g:dB:¤ g:ØN:t:ؤm:m:t:ö D:àt:ev:D:Øö s:Ørs:ert:Î-
t:r¤ en:kÙrmb: D:àet: l:mp:X j:Xö S:m:n:dmB:s:Øhrö B:v:hrm:Î .
eS:v:ö dS:edg:nt:r ev:j:àemB:t:krö krl:s:nm:àg:eS:S:Øö p:S:Øp:et:ö
hrö S:eS:D:n:Wj:y:p:t:¤n:y:n:ö p:rec:dmb:r n:Xö Æed B:j: .. 3..
Heartily resort to the great dancer, Lord Shiva, residing in the holy
place, Chidambaram, who protects all the world . His lofty place is due
to the indestructible good qualities . It is difficult to grasp his nature.
He has held crescent moon in his forehead . His matted hair is covetous
of holding the multitude of waves of the divine river, Ganga . He has dispelled
the vanity of Yama and is capable of delivering men from the pangs of
worldly life . The Lord of creatures, the auspicious God, in whose
hand a young deer is dancing, has spread his hands in all ten quarters.
The great destroyer has moon, fire and sun as his eyes.
An:nt:n:v:rtn:ev:l:s:tkXkeke¢eN:J:l:ö J:l:J:l:ö J:l:rv:ö
m:ØkÙndev:eD: hst:g:t:m:¸l: l:y:Dv:en:eD:em:e¹em:t: n:t:ün: p:dm:Î .
S:kÙnt:rT: b:ehürT: n:endm:ØK: S:àe¤ereXB:àe¤g:N:s:¥en:kXm:Î
s:n:nds:n:k )m:ØK: v:endt: p:dö p:rec:dmb:r n:Xö Æed B:j: .. 4..
Heartily resort to the great dancer, Shiva residing in the holy place,
Chidambaram . The tiny bells attached to his bracelets which are shining
with innumerable gems of nine kinds are making a sweet jingling sound.
The dancing movements of his feet are accompanied by the drum
in the hands of Mukunda (vishnu) and vidhi (brahma). He is closely surrounded
by Vishnu, riding a chariot to which a bird (Garuda) is yoked, by kartikeya,
riding a charior to which a peacock is yoked, by a troupe of Gana-s
consisting of Srngi, Riti, Bhrngi etc headed by Nandi . Prominent sages
like Sananda and Sanaka are saluting his feet.
An:nt:m:hs:ö e*:dS:v:n½ c:rN:ö m:Øen: Ædnt:r v:s:nt:m:m:l:m:Î
kb:nD: ev:y:edn¾v:en: g:nD:v:h v:eÈm:K: b:nD:Ørev:m:Wj:Ø v:p:Ø\:m:Î .
An:nt:ev:B:v:ö e*:j:g:nt:r m:eN:ö e*:n:y:n:ö e*:p:Ør K:NRn: p:rm:Î
s:n:nd m:Øen: v:endt: p:dö s:k,N:ö p:r ec:dmb:r n:Xö Æed B:j: .. 5..
Heartily resort to the great dancer, Lord Shiva, residing in the holy
place called Chidambaram . His lustre is beginningless and endless . His feet
are revered by the gods . The pure one who is free from all blemishes
resides in the interior of sages hearts . He wields a lovely body made
up of the following components - water, sky, moon, earth, wind, fire,
sacrificer (atman) and Sun . His riches are infinite; he is the jewel of
the three worlds having three eyes, he is incline to smash the three cities
of Tripura . The god who takes pity (on the distressed) is saluted by Sage
Aec:nty:m:el:v:ànd ,ec: b:nD:Ørg:l:ö kÙert: kÙnd en:kÙrmb: D:v:l:m:Î
m:ØkÙnd s:Ør v:ànd b:l: hnt:à kát: v:ndn: l:s:nt:m:ehkÙNRl: D:rm:Î .
Akmp:m:n:Økemp:t: ret:ö s:Øj:n: m:¤l:en:eD:ö g:j:hrö p:S:Øp:et:m:Î
D:n:Wj:y: n:Øt:ö )N:t: rWj:n:p:rö p:r ec:dmb:r n:Xö Æed B:j: .. 6..
Heartily resort to the great dancer, Shiva, residing in the holy place,
Chidambaram . He is not capable of being understood by the faculty of thinking.
His dark colored throat is attractive with its resemblance to the colour of
a multitude of bees . His complexion is white like a bunch of blooming
Kunda flowers . He wears a glittering appearance when saluted by Vishnu,
gods, and Indra, the killer of balasyre . His ear ornament consists of
serpent . He is free from fear and hence unmoved . However, he took pity
on Rati . He is a reservoir of all auspicious things for good persons.
The destroyer of Gajasure is the Lord of creatures, praised by Arjuna.
He is inclined to be delightful to persons who bow down to Him.
p:rö s:Ørv:rö p:Ørhrö p:S:Øp:et:ö j:en:t: dent:m:ØK: \:Nm:ØK:m:m:Øö
m:àRö kn:k ep:¤l: j:Xö s:n:kp:¢j: rev:ö s:Øm:n:s:ö ehm:,ec:m:Î .
As:¥m:n:s:ö j:l:eD: j:nm:krl:ö kv:l:y:nt: m:t:Øl:ö g:ØN:en:eD:m:Î
s:n:nd v:rdö S:em:t:em:ndÙ v:dn:ö p:r ec:dmb:r n:Xö Æed B:j: .. 7..
Heartily resort to the great dancer Shiva residing in the
holy place Chidambaram . He is the best among gods, destroyer of the three
cities for the benefit of the world . That Lord of creatures has given
birth to elephant-headed Ganesha for warding off obstacles and to
six-faced Kartikeya for leading divine army . The benevolent god
has hair that is brownish like gold . He is like Sun who causes the blooming
of the lotus in the form of sage Sanaka . Having a mind kind to all, he
weilds the lustre of snow . His mind is not attached to anything, even to
Parvati . He has swallowed poison arising out of ocean in order to save
the world from its adverse effects . He is a store-house
of quailities, not comparable to anyone else . He has given boons to sage,
Sananda . Having a face which is delightful like the moon, he has attained
the blissful state.
Aj:ö ex:et:rT:ö B:Øj:g:p:ؤv:g:ØN:ö kn:k S:àe¤ D:n:Ø\:ö krl:s:t:Î
kÙr¤ p:àT:Ø X¢ p:rS:Øö ,ec:r kÙ¢Ûm: ,ec:ö Rm:,kö c: dD:t:m:ö .
m:ØkÙnd ev:eS:K:ö n:m:dv:nDy: Pl:dö en:g:m: v:ànd t:Ørg:ö en:,p:m:ö
s:c:eNRkm:m:Øö J:eXet: s:öÆt:p:Ørö p:rec:dmb:r n:Xö Æed B:j: .. 8..
Heartily resort to the great dancer, Lord Shiva, who resides in the
holy place, Chidambaram, and He is without birth . The earth itself
is his chariot . The great serpent, Vasuki is his bowstring.
The golden peaked Meru is His bow . In His hands shines a deer, a big
sword and an aze . He weilds a damaru (drum) which has the color of
lovely kumkuma . Mukunda himself is his arrow . He effectively grants the
desire to those who salute him . The multitude of Vedic texts are
his horses (or mind). The incomparable God accompanied by Chandika has
quickly destroyed the cities of demon tripura.
An:¤p:erp:enT:n:m:j:ö ex:et: D:ØrnD:rm:l:ö k,N:y:nt:m:eK:l:ö
jv:l:nt:m:n:l:ö dD:t:m:nt:kerp:Øö s:t:t:em:ndÓm:ØK:v:endt:p:dm:Î .
udWc:drev:ndkÙl: b:nD:ØS:t: eb:mb:,ec: s:öhet: s:Øg:enD: v:p:Ø\:ö
p:t:Wj:el:n:Øt:ö )N:v:p:Wc:r S:Øköp:r ec:dmb:r n:Xö Æed B:j: .. 9..
Heartily resort to the great dancer, Lord Shiva, who resides in the
holy place, Chidambaram . Birthless, he is an enemy of Cupid . He bears the
burden of the earth, He is intensely compassionate to all . The killer
of demon Andhaka is capable of holding buring fire . Gods headed by
Indra are constantly falling at His feet . He is having a body
which has got the lustre of a group of hundred rising suns and is fragrant.
He is praised by Patanjali and is like a parrot in the cage of the syllable
Eet: st:v:m:m:Øö B:Øj:g:p:ؤv: kát:ö )et:edn:ö p:Yet: y:H kát:m:ØK:H
s:dH )B:Øp:d e¾t:y:dS:ün:p:dö s:Øl:el:t:ö c:rN: S:ठreht:m:Î .
s:rH)B:v: s:mB:v: hertp:et: her)m:ØK: edvy:n:Øt: S:¢rp:dö
s: g:cCet: p:rö n: t:Ø j:n:Øj:ül:en:eD:ö p:rm:dÙHK:j:n:kö dÙert:dm:Î .. 10..
Here ends the praise song composed by Patanjali who is an incarnation of
the great serpent Shesha . One who learns it by heart and recites it will
find a seat in the assembly of Gods . The praise song is charming . The
words in it lead to the perception of the the Lord's pair of feet.
It flows on, being beginningless and endless (composed of the meter
charaNashri.ngarahita). It contains the description of Shankara praised
by the divine beings headed by Brahmadeva, Lords of the Quarters and Vishnu.
One who recites this hymn,quickly reaches the highest goal and does not steep
into the ocean of worldly existence which causes great sorrow and sinfulness.
.. Eet: Â:ip:t:Wj:el:m:Øen:)N:it:ö c:rN:S:à¤reht: n:Xraj:st::ð*:ö s:öp:ÜN:üm:Î ..