Posted by kumar jaising on May 26, 1998 at 10:37:54:
In Reply to: Request e-mail adress posted by Anil Lund on June 21, 1997 at 11:13:24:
: Om Namah Shivaya, just saying hello to you anil lund. i met your mum in mumbai and she mentioned your interest in a win-compatible sware for hindi-sanskrit translation. i have given her a reference of a compaNY that does have this software with its detailed address and fax no. in case you need any assistance from my side , pls get in touch. best regards. hope this reaches you.
: I would be grateful if anybody can send me additional e-mail addreses to vedantic resourses in India. I am looking in particular for The Benaras University, Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh and the Satyananda Saraswati Ashram in Monghyr, Bihar. Thank you for your assistance.
: Regards,
: Anil