Posted by varun on April 28, 1998 at 09:09:21:
In Reply to: a little help please posted by Rosetta Bertoldo. on April 08, 1998 at 14:52:51:
Dear Rossetta
As per the hindu myth goes the cow came out after the sacred 'Saagar manthan'(churning of ocean). That's why itis believed that in every part of a cow there is a deity. Secondly, it was the favourite animal of Lord Krishna. Modern thinkers believe that such myths were created so that it (and it's milk) should not be taken for granted & to stop its maltreatment after it stops giving milk. It was also considered selfless.If you want to know the economic aspect I will like to make a statement: society & spirituality are always at a conflict.
: I have term papers coming up for my antropology class. I have the book Cannibals and kings by Harris to relay to,however I am still havng problems answering the question referring to the reasons why Hindus consider cows to be sacred and the social impact that such beliefs have in the economic aspect.