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Indian Hieroglyphic Dictionary (Set 2)
[based on cluster keys (pictorials) and Indian Lexicon keys (14 sets of lexemic concordance between image words and tool words)]

Grab342.jpg (802 bytes)
kan.d.a kanka = rim of a waterpot
karn.aka = handle of a vessel; ka_n.a_, kanna_ = rim, edge; ka_n.i_= ornamental swelling out in a vessel



karaka = pot with narrow neck

karava = pot with narrow neck

xarno, xanro = sword; kad.uva, khan.d.a_ = sword

ka_nas, kana~hi~ = file, saw

kan.d.a kanka (idiom) = lit. sword and saw

karn.e = mason's trowel

kanna_n = brazier; kan:kai = solder

karaka = saw

karavai = smith's tool

[ka_ruvu = vis'vakarma, the celestial artisan]

M478b.jpg (2446 bytes)

kan.t.u = rim of a vessel; kan.t.ud.iyo = a small earthen vessel

kan.d.a kanka = rim of a water-pot; kan:kha, kankha = rim of a vessel

M308.jpg (7220 bytes)m308 to_t.i = hand-to-hand conflict to_t.t.i = goad; tur-at.t.i, dot.i, tor-ad.u, turat.u = goad
kan.d.a_yi = gar fish;, gan.d.e = carp (fish) kan.d.eya = a sword; a cutlass, sword; khan.d.a, = sword

khan.d.a bhan.d.a = weapons of all kinds = black monkey
sign99.jpg (887 bytes) gan.d.ra, khan.d.a_ = piece; included portion between two articulation joints; = indented, broken; khan.d.o = a break or gap in a ridge or line; a gap in a row

gan.d.ra = full of notches or nicks

gan.d.aruvu = a mould, an engraving or engraved plate or block
Ivoryc~3.jpg (1363 bytes)
K057.jpg (2071 bytes)k057
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h357A,B,Ctabletprism and Sign 205
sign205.jpg (1021 bytes)

M527b.jpg (5345 bytes)
m527B copper tablet

M289.jpg (3622 bytes)m289

M287.jpg (6726 bytes)m287

kary = ornamental dots in metal articles

gha_ri_ = a kind of pastry in circular form





kari, karin, karin.a, karabha = elephant



kayr = to laugh (Note the open mouth of the tiger)





khan.d.i_ = ivory in rough; piece of elephant's tusk

gan.d.i = hole,orifice; opening; khad.d.na_ = to drill, pierce



khan.d.i_= twenty of sheep, goats or things

kari = weapon, plough, tool; karivi, karuvi, karu = id.
M410.jpg (3735 bytes)m410 gha~t. = protuberance or snout of alligator
sign245.jpg (967 bytes) kha_n.d. = divisions of a field

kan.d.o = a field

l  l
l  l sign60.jpg (1213 bytes)
gan.d.a_ = group of four
sign403.jpg (1032 bytes) kan.d.e = warrior's bracelet
khan.jari_ = bracelet khan.jar, khan.d.a_ = dagger; two-edged sword, broad straight sword, two-edged dagger sometimes worn on the head

kan.d.a = arrow, arrowhead

M276a.jpg (3986 bytes)m276a gen.d.o, gan.d. garur. = rhinoceros
sign94.jpg (981 bytes) gan.d.e, gan.d. gan.d. = at right angles, cross, transverse = ankle
gen.d.e = penis
Mating scenes gen.d.e = copulation
H352c.jpg (1095 bytes)h352C kandl = beads
M304a.jpg (4857 bytes)m304a kan.d.o = stool
M478b.jpg (2446 bytes)m478B gan.d.ra = tree trunk
B023si-t.jpg (3469 bytes)b023Seal impression gan.d.a, gan.d.asa = strong male = battle-axe
H187b.jpg (2363 bytes)

Mating scenes

kudal = tree = copulation

kudal = spade
sign336.jpg (1064 bytes) curukku = knot

sruk = ladle = javelin
M273a.jpg (2999 bytes)m273a

sign72.jpg (985 bytes)

sign410.jpg (915 bytes)sign373.jpg (949 bytes)


sign395.jpg (1188 bytes)cylinder seal, louvre 3000B.C.

krusu, kurhu = antelope


kur-icci, cura_ = fish


kuru = seed, nut = stone of fruit


kot.ka = cowshed

kirusu = dagger, ku_rahu = sword



kuraga = an instrument of goldsmiths; a sort of anvil

kuro = silver; khuro = head of a spear = sickle

kod.ka = billhook

H241a.jpg (1050 bytes)H241b.jpg (1016 bytes)h241A,B

sign133.jpg (1104 bytes)Signs 131-133

chur. = bracelet

khora = tortoise shell

kurampu = channel


chhura_ = large knife

khurpa = scraper, ks.ura = razor

M312.jpg (3868 bytes)m312

rhd1A.jpg (4570 bytes)

rhd1B.jpg (4409 bytes)rhd1A,Bbone seal

kupi = crab

kup = broad jump


kaca kupi = scorpion


taval.a = frog

ku_pi = barber's knife, cuppi = dagger






thavan.i = fringemaker's hook

sign53.jpg (1186 bytes)

sign184.jpg (1078 bytes)

M274.jpg (8557 bytes)m274

karkat.a = crab

kakkat.a = large deer


kha_g = rhinoceros

kakkat.a, karkad.e = dagger; = sword, karkas'a = rough, hard
sign176.jpg (965 bytes) kangha = comb kangi = coulter of plough
m1186a.jpg (8742 bytes)m1186 kr.ttika_, kattiya_ = pleiades (seven stars) karttr.ka_ = knife; kartari = scissors

kaciya_ = reaping hook, big scythe, toothed sickle

m1405A.jpg (2390 bytes)m1405A tablet

Note upper arm pointing to:sign12.jpg (1114 bytes)

ke_ser = neck, shoulders

gok = to carry on the shoulder

d.aula_ = upper arm

keser = sickle


dauli_ = weeding knife of metal or wood

K059.jpg (2138 bytes)k059 cun.t.u = cross-bow


du~_d.a_ = one-horned bull

d.un.d.ri_ = short tail of the Thal sheep

cu_n.ta = fish hook; = pointed pickaxe
M478a.jpg (2271 bytes)

M478b.jpg (2446 bytes)

kora_d.u = trunk of lopped tree


kora_d.u = pincers

kurha_d. = axe
K065a-t.jpg (2407 bytes)K065e.jpg (1160 bytes)k065a,E karat.i = fencing kara~_t = saw;   kara_d.o = carpenter's tool in hewing down large logs of wood; kara_d.iyo = Seller of earthenware, earthen goblets, smoking pipes etc khara_d.i_ = a turner, sangha_d.iyo
H182a.jpg (2594 bytes)

H182b.jpg (2604 bytes)

h182A,B tablet
karad.e = double oblong drum

kr.a_d.i, kra_n.d.i = tiger

igulu = grin (See tiger's open mouth)

kra_d.i = large axe; karan.d.amu = sword



ikul.i = thunderbolt

M304a.jpg (4857 bytes)m304a karad.a = crown
sign57.jpg (1152 bytes) kra_nd.i = black hornet
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