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7) Religion and Ethics :
This is the second part

VIRTUE is that which tends to our IMPROVEMENT, and VICE to our DEGENERATION.
Man is made up of three qualities- brutal, human, and godly.  That which tends
to increase the divinity in you is virtue, and that which tends to increase 
brutality in you is vice.  You must kill the brutal nature and become human,
that is, loving and charitable.  You must transcend that too and become pure
bliss, SATCHIDANANDA, fire without burning, wonderfully loving, but without the
weakness of human love, without the feeling of misery.

Unselfishness is GOD.  One may live on a throne; in a golden palace, and be 
perfectly unselfish; and then he is in God.  Another may live in a hut and wear
rags, and have nothing in the world; yet, if he is selfish, he is intensely  
merged in the world.

In one word, the ideal of vedanta is to know man as he really is, and this is 
its message, that if you cannot worship your brother man, the MANIFESTED GOD,
how can you worship a GOD who is UNMANIFESTED?

If you are really PURE, how do you see the IMPURE? For what is WITHIN, is 
WITHOUT. We cannot see impurity without having it inside ourselves. This is one
of the practical sides of vedanta, and I hope that we shall all try to carry it
into our lives.

The secret of religion lies not in theories but in PRACTICE. To be good and do
good-that is the whole of religion. `not he that crieth "Lord", "Lord", but he
that doeth the will of the father?
If you have any suggestions please reply with an e-mail to
with love

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