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Shrimad Bhagavad-Geetha
Atha Pradhamodhyaayah
Chapter I

Dhritharaashtra uvaacha:
Dharma kshethre kuru kshethre 
Samavethaa yuyuthsvah
Maamaka pandavaschaiva 
Kimakurvatha sajaya	

Dhritarashtra said:
Tell  me, O Sajaya, what the people of my own party and those of Paandu,
who are assembled at Kurukshetra resolved upon war, have been doing.
Sajaya uvaacha:
Dhrushtvaa thu pandavaaneekam 
Vyoodham duryodhanasthadhaa
Aachaaryam upasamgamya 
Raja vachanamabraveeth	

Sajaya said:
King Duryodhana, having just beheld the army of the Paandus drawn up in
battle array, went to his preceptor (Drona) and spoke these words:

Pashyaithaam paandu puthraanaam 
Aacharya mahatheem chamoom
Vyoodham drupada puthrena 
Thava shishyena dheemathah	

"Behold! O Master, the mighty army of the sons of Paandu drawn up by thy
pupil, the clever son of Drupada. 

Athra shooraa maheshvaasaa 
Bheemaarjuna samaayudhi
Yuyudhaano viraatashcha 
Drupadashcha mahaarathaaha	 
In it warriors with great bows, equal to Bhima and Arjuna in battle, namely
Yuyudhaana, and Viraata, and Drupada on his great car.

Dhrushtakethush chekitaanaha 
Kaashiraajashcha veeryavaan
Purujith kuntibhojashcha 
Shaibyashcha nara pungavaha	

Dhrishtaketu, Chekitaana, and the valiant king Kaashi, and Purujit, and
Kuntibhoja, with Shaibya, chief of men.

Yudhaamanyushcha vikraantha 
Utthamoujashcha veeryavaan
Soubhadro droupadeyaashcha 
Sarva eva mahaaradhaaha	

Yudhaamanyu the strong, and Uttamauja the brave; the son of Subhadra, and
all the sons of Draupadi, too, in their huge chariots.

Asmaakam thu vishishtaa ye 
Thaannibhodha dvijotthama
naayakaa mama sainyashcha 
Sangnyaartham thaan braveemi the	

Be acquainted also with the names of those of our party who are the most
distinguished.  I will mention a few of those who are amongst the generals,
by way of example. 
Bhavaan bheeshmashcha karnashcha 
Krupashcha samithijayaha
Ashvatthaamaa vikarnashcha 
Soumadatthis thadhaiva cha	

There is thyself, my Preceptor, and Bhishma, Karna, and Kripa, the
conqueror in battle, and Asvatthaama, and Vikarna, and the son of Somadatta
along with-
Anye cha bahavah shooraaha 
Madardhe thyaktha jeevithaaha
naanaa shasthra praharanaaha 
Sarve yuddha vishaaradaaha	

others in vast numbers, who for my service risk their life; they are all of
them practiced in the use of arms, armed with diverse weapons, and
experienced in every mode of fight.

Aparyaaptham thadasmaakam 
Balam bheeshmaabhi rakshitham
Paryaaptham thvi dametheshaam 
Balam bheemaabhi rakshitham	

This army of ours, which is commanded by Bhishma, is not sufficient, while
their forces, led by Bhima, are sufficient.

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