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Books on Sri Ramanuja at UC Berkeley Part 1

1. Agera, Cassian R.
     Faith, prayer and grace : a comparative study in Ramanuja and Kierkegaard.
   Delhi, India : Mittal Publications, mc1987y.
       UCR   Rivera    BL1288.292.R36 A5 1987

2. All India Seminar on Sri Ramanuja and his Social Philosophy (1st : 1979 :
   Sriperumbudur, India)
     Studies in Ramanuja : papers presented at the First All India Seminar on
   Sri Ramanuja and his Social Philosophy at Sriperumbudur on 21st and 22nd
   July 1979.  1st ed.  Madras : Sri Ramanuja Vedanta Centre, 1980.
       UCB   Main      BL1245.V33 A43 1979
       SRLF            A 0000014449 Type EXP SRLF for loan details.
       CRL   GenCollec 80-904037 Type EXPLAIN CRL for loan details.

3. Badarayana.
     Ramanuja's Vedantadipa; seine Kurzauslegung der Brahmasutren des
   Badarayana. Aus dem Sanskrit von A. Hohenberger.  mBonny Selbstverlag des
   Orientalischen Seminars der Universitat Bonn, 1964.
     Series title:  Bonner orientalistische Studien. Neue Serie Bd. 14.
       UCLA  URL       B 132 V3B141veG
       NRLF            $C 72 005 Type EXP NRLF for loan details.

4. Badarayana.
     The Vedanta-sutras, translated by George Thibaut.  Delhi, Motilal
   Banarsidass m1962y.
     Series title:  Sacred books of the East ; v. 34, 38, 48.
       UCR   Rivera    BL1010 .S3 1879a v.34,38,48
       UCSB  Main Lib  BL1010 .S32 v.34, etc.

5. Bharadwaj, Krishna Datta.
     The philosophy of Ramanuja. Foreword by Shri M. Ananthasayanam Ayyangar.
   m1st ed.y.  New Delhi, Sir Shankar Lall Charitable Trust Society m1958y.
       NRLF            $C 59 913 Type EXP NRLF for loan details.

6. Bhatt, Siddheshwar Rameshwar, 1939-
     Studies in Ramanuja Vedanta / S. R. Bhatt.  1st ed.  New Delhi : Heritage
   Publishers, 1975.
       GTU   Library   B133.R366 B45
       UCB   Main      B133.R366 .B45
       UCLA  URL       B 133 R366 B45
       UCR   Rivera    B133.R366 B45
       UCSB  Main Lib  B133.R366 B45
       CRL   GenCollec 75-908081 Type EXPLAIN CRL for loan details.

7. Carman, John Braisted.
     The theology of Ramanuja; an essay in interreligious understanding mbyy
   John Braisted Carman.  New Haven, Yale University Press, 1974.
     Series title:  Yale publications in religion ; 18.
       GTU   Library   BR45 .Y3 v.18
       UCD   Shields   BL25.Y35 no.18
       UCI   Main Lib  BL1245.V33 C37 1974
       UCLA  URL       BL 1245 V3C21 1974
       UCR   Rivera    BL1245.V33 C37 1974
       UCSB  Main Lib  BL1245.V33 C37 1974
       UCSC  McHenry   BL1245.V33C37 1974
       UCSD  Central   BL1245.V33 C37 1974

8. Devamani, B. S.
     The religion of Ramanuja : a Christian appraisal / B.S. Devamani.  Madras
   : Christian Literature Society, 1990.
       NRLF            B 3 812 029 Type EXP NRLF for loan details.
       SRLF            A 0012196093 Type EXP SRLF for loan details.

9. Esnoul, Anne Marie.
     Ramanuja et la mystique vishnouite.  mParisy Editions du Seuil m1964y.
     Series title:  Maitres spirituels, 32.
       GTU   Library   BL72 .M3 v.32
       UCB   Main      CT141 .M25 v.32
       UCLA  URL       BL 1245 V3E76
       SRLF            A 0008911521 Type EXP SRLF for loan details.

10. Ghate, Vinayak Sakharam.
      The Vedanta; a study of the Brahmasutras with the bhasyas of Samkara,
    Ramanuja, Nimbarka, Madhva and Vallabha. mEd. by. C.R. Devadhar.  2nd ed.
    Poona, Bhandharkar Oriental research institute, 1960.
      Series title:  Government Oriental series. Class C ; no. 1.
        UCLA  URL       B 132 V3G34E 1960

11. Gopal, B. R. (Balakrishnan Raja), 1930-
      Sri Ramanuja in Karnataka : an epigraphical study / B.R. Gopal.  Delhi :
    Sundeep Prakashan, 1983.
        UCB   Main      BL1288.292.R36 G661 1983
        UCSB  Main Lib  BL1288.292.R36 G66 1983
        SRLF            A 0001852169 Type EXP SRLF for loan details.
        CRL   GenCollec 83-902703 Type EXPLAIN CRL for loan details.

12. Hohenberger, Adam, 1888-1966.
      Ramanuja, ein Philosoph indischer Gottesmystik : seine Lebensanschauung
    nach de wichtigsten Quellen / dargestellt von A. Hohenberger.  Bonn :
    Selbstverlag des orientalischen Seminars der Universitat Bonn, 1960.
      Series title:  Bonner orientalistische Studien ; neue Serie, Bd. 10.
        UCB   Main      B133.R366 H6
        SRLF            A 0000834002 Type EXP SRLF for loan details.

13. Jagadeesan, N., 1940-
      History of Sri Vaishnavism in the Tamil country : post-Ramanuja / N.
    Jagadeesan.  Madurai : Koodal Publishers, c1977.
      Series title:  Koodal historical series ; 3.
        UCB   Main      BL1245.V3J27 1977
        UCLA  URL       BL 1245 V3 J18 1977
        CRL   GenCollec 77-904810 Type EXPLAIN CRL for loan details.

14. Kumar, Frederick L., 1919-
      Ramanuja and Bowne; a study in comparative philosophy, by F.K. Lazarus.
    mBombayy Chetana m1962y.
        GTU   Library   B133.R366 L3
        NRLF            $B 121 217 Type EXP NRLF for loan details.

    Kumarappa, Bharatan, 1896-1957.
      The Hindu conception of the deity as culminating in Ramanuja, by Bharatan
    Kumarappa... with a foreword by Dr. L.D. Barnett...  London Luzac & co.,
        GTU   Library   BL1205 .K8
        UCLA  URL       BL 1205 K96r 1934
        UCSB  Main Lib  BL1205 .K8
        UCSC  McHenry   BL1205.K8 1934
        NRLF            $B 115 573 Type EXP NRLF for loan details.

16. Lacombe, Olivier.
      La doctrine morale et metaphysique de Ramanuja. Traduction (accompagnee
    du texte Sanskrit) et notes par Olivier Lacombe.  Paris :
    Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1938.
        UCSB  Main Lib  B132.V3 R3

17. Lakshamma, G.
      The impact of Ramanuja's teaching on life and conditions in society / G.
    Lakshamma.  Delhi : Sundeep Prakashan, 1990.
        UCB   Main      BL1288.292.R36 L35 1990
        SRLF            A 0009514910 Type EXP SRLF for loan details.

18. Lester, Robert C.
      Ramanuja on the yoga / Robert C. Lester.  Madras : Adyar Library and
    Research Centre ; Wheaton, Ill. mU.S.y : Agents, Theosophical Pub. House,
      Series title:  Adyar Library series ; v. 106.
        UCB   Main      B132.Y6 L45
        UCLA  URL       B 132 Y6 L45
        UCSB  Main Lib  B132.Y6 L45
        CRL   GenCollec 80-908513 Type EXPLAIN CRL for loan details.

19. Lipner, Julius.
      The face of truth : a study of meaning and metaphysics in the Vedantic
    theology of Ramanuja / Julius J. Lipner.  Albany : State University  of New
    York Press, 1986.
        GTU   Library   BL1288.292.R36 L57 1986
        UCB   Main      BL1288.292.R36 L571 1986
        UCD   Shields   BL1288.292.R36 L57 1986b
        UCLA  URL       BL 1288.292 R36 L57 1986
        UCR   Rivera    BL1288.292.R36 L57 1986
        UCSB  Main Lib  BL1288.292.R36 L57 1986b
        UCSD  Central   BL1288.292.R36 L57 1986

20. Lott, Eric J.
      God and the universe in the Vedantic theology of Ramanuja : a study in
    his use of the self-body analogy / Eric J. Lott ; with a foreword by Ninian
    Smart.  1st ed.  Madras : Ramanuja Research Society, 1976.
        UCB   Main      BL1245.V33 L67 1976
        UCD   Shields   BL1245.V33 L67 1976
        UCLA  URL       BL 1245 V33 C67 1976
        CRL   GenCollec 76-901911 Type EXPLAIN CRL for loan details.

21. Martinez Ledesma, Ramon J. 1907-
      El duende, las excomuniones y la sociedad mpory Ramanuja.  mCali?,
    Colombia, 1966?y.
        UCLA  URL       BF 1415 M366d
        SRLF            A 0010623551 Type EXP SRLF for loan details.

22. Narayanacarya, Ke. Es.
      Sri Ramanuja on tat tvam asi and neti neti / by K.S. Narayanacharya.
    Dharwad : Veda Bidya Prakashan, 1989.
      Series title:  Sri Ramanuja thought series ; no. 1.
        NRLF            B 3 875 605 Type EXP NRLF for loan details.

    North, Patricia Ann.
      Mysticism and prophetism in Hildegard of Bingen and in Ramanuja : an
    essay in history and hermeneutics / by Patricia Ann North.  1977, c1978.
        UCLA  URL       LD 791.9 H6N811

24. Oberhammer, Gerhard, 1929-
      Yamunamunis Interpretation von Brahmasutram 2, 2, 42-45. Eine
    Untersuchung zur Pancaratra-Tradition der Ramanuja-Schule.  Wien, H.
    Bohlaus; Kommissionsverlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der
    Wissenschaften, 1971.
      Series title:  Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
    Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Sitzungsberichte, Bd. 274, Abh. 4.
      Series title:  Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna. Kommission fur
    Sprachen und Kulturen Sudaiens Veroffentlichungen, Heft 10.
        GTU   Library   BL1135 .P34
        UCD   Shields   AS142.V31 v.274 no.4
        UCSC  McHenry   AS142.V31 v.274:4
        UCSD  Central   AS142 .A4 v.274, no.4

25. Overzee, Anne Hunt.
      The body divine : the symbol of the body in the works of Teilhard de
    Chardin and Ramanuja / Anne Hunt Overzee.  Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge
    University Press, 1992.
      Series title:  Cambridge studies in religious traditions ; 2.
        GTU   Library   BL604.B64 O94 1992
        UCB   Main      BL604.B64 O94 1992
        UCI   Main Lib  BL604.B64 O94 1992
        UCLA  URL       BL 604 B64 O94 1992
        UCR   Rivera    BL604.B64 O94 1992
        UCSB  Main Lib  BL604.B64 O94 1992
        UCSC  McHenry   BL604.B64O94 1992

26. Prasad, Rama.
      Ramanuja and Hegel : a comparative study / Rama Prasad.  New Delhi :
    Classical Pub. Co., 1983.
      Series title:  World perspective in philosophy and religion ; ser. 4.
        UCB   Main      B133.R366 P731 1983
        UCI   Main Lib  B133.R366 P73 1983
        UCLA  URL       B 133 R366 P73 1983
        UCSD  Central   B133.R366 P73 1983

27. Prem Lata, 1928-
      Ramanuja / Prem Lata.  Delhi : Sumit Publications, 1980.
        NRLF            B 3 464 054 Type EXP NRLF for loan details.
        SRLF            A 0000035055 Type EXP SRLF for loan details.
        CRL   GenCollec 82-902410 Type EXPLAIN CRL for loan details.

28. Radhakrishnan, S. (Sarvepalli), 1888-1975.
      The Vedanta, according to Samkara and Ramanuja / by S. Radhakrishnan.
    London : Allen & Unwin, 1928.
        UCLA  URL       B 132 V3R12

29. Raghava, Rangeya.
      Ramanuja.  Mahala : 1952.
        NRLF            $B 123 342 Type EXP NRLF for loan details.

30. Raghava, Rangeya.
      Ramanuja.  m1965y.
        UCB   Main      X480.I.H-3899

31. Raghavachar, S. S., 1913-
      Sri Ramanuja on the Gita mbyy S. S. Raghavachar.  Mangalore, Sri
    Ramakrishna Ashrama m1969y.
        NRLF            B 3 499 139 Type EXP NRLF for loan details.
        CRL   GenCollec 70-909258 Type EXPLAIN CRL for loan details.

32. Raghavachar, S. S., 1913-
      Sri Ramanuja on the Upanishads, by S. S. Raghavachar.  m1st ed.y.
    Madras, Prof. M. Rangacharya Memorial Trust; mcan be had of M. C. Krishnan,
        CRL   GenCollec 72-902177 Type EXPLAIN CRL for loan details.

33. Ramakrishnananda, Swami, 1863-1911.
      The life of Sri Ramanuja.  m1st ed.y.  Mylapore, Sri Ramakrishna Math
        UCB   Main      B133.R366 R3

34. Ramakrishnananda, Swami, 1863-1911.
      Life of Sri Ramanuja, by Swami Ramakrishnananda.  m2d ed.y.  Madras, Sri
    Ramakrishna Math m1965y.
        NRLF            $B 140 675 Type EXP NRLF for loan details.
        CRL   GenCollec 72-906110 Type EXPLAIN CRL for loan details.

35. Ramanuja.
      Siddhanta des Ramanuja.  Jena, E. Diederichs, 1917.
      Series title:  Religiose Stimmen der Volker. 1 Die Religion des alten
    Indien, 3.
      Series title:  Texte zur indischen Gottesmystik, 2.
        UCB   Main      730.B132.R16.Go
        UCLA  URL       BL 27 R279 v.1 pt.3 no.2

36. Ramanuja, 1017-1137.
      The Gitabhashya of Ramanuja. Translated into English by M. R.
    Sampatkumaran.  m1st ed.y.  Madras, Prof. M. Rangacharya Memorial Trust;
    mcopies can be had of M. C. Krishnan, 1969y.
        GTU   Library   BL1130 .R2533
        UCB   Main      BL1130 .R2533
        CRL   GenCollec 77-908323 Type EXPLAIN CRL for loan details.

    Ramanuja, 1017-1137.
      Ramanuja on the Bhagavadgita; a condensed rendering of his Gitabhasya
    with copious notes and an introd., door Johannes Adrianus Bernardus van
    Buitenen.  's-Gravenhage, H. L. Smits m1953y.
        UCSB  Main Lib  BL1130 .R254 1953

    Ramanuja, 1017-1137.
      Ramanuja on the Bhagavadgita; a condensed rendering of his Gitabhasya
    with copious notes and an introd. mbyy J. A. B. van Buitenen.  Delhi,
    Motilal Banarsidass m1968y.
        GTU   Library   BL1130 .R254 1968
        UCB   Main      BL1130 .R254 1968
        UCLA  College   BL 1130 R141gE 1968
        UCLA  URL       BL 1130 R141gE 1968
        UCSC  McHenry   BL1130.R254 1968
        UCSD  Central   BL1130 .R254 1968

39. Ramanuja, 1017-1137.
      Ramanuja on the Bhagavadgita; a condensed rendering of his Gitabhasya
    with copious notes and an introd. mbyy J. A. B. van Buitenen.  2d ed.
    Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass m1968, reprinted 1974y.
        UCSB  Main Lib  BL1130 .R254 1968

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