What Says The Gita
Source: The Holy Gita
by Swami Chinmayananda
What Says Gita
Verse Nos. Themes Pages
Chapter I
The Yoga of Arjuna Grief
Introduction 10-12
1 The Scene of Kurukshetra. 13
2-13 Kaurava heroes; the pride of Duryodhana 13-20
14-19 Krshna and Arjuna. The Divine Charioteer
and The Royal Prince. 20-22
20-25 Arjuna's command and Krshna's service 22-25
26-28(1/2) Arjuna's pity. Krshna's silence. 25-27
28(1/2)-31 Arjuna-grief. Krshna's silence. 27-29
32-36 Arjuna's case against war. 29-31
37-40 Evils of War-- Arjuna's justification
continued. 32-34
41-45 Consequences of the destruction of moral
integrity of families. 34-39
46-47 Anxiety-state-neurosis of Arjuna.
Krshna's continued silence. 39-44
Chapter II
The Yoga of Knowledge
Introduction . 45-46
1-3 Lord's grace. 46-49
4-9 Total Surrender. 50-57
10-12 Krshna-cure for the treatment of
Arjuna-disease begins. 57-63
13 Truth behind the Reincarnation Theory. 63-65
14-15 Finite nature of external challenges and
the call for equipoise of mind. 65-68
16-18 Nature of Real and Unreal.
Religious call for action. 68-73
19-24 Explanation of Transcendental Truth. 73-81
25-30 Advice to end grief. 81-87
31-32 Face the challenge--Dharma of Kshatriyas 88-89
33-36 Common-man's point of view arguments
for fighting the war. 89-92
37-38 Arise, resolve to fight. 93-98
39-41 Determination with a single-pointed mind. 98-102
42-44 Misconception. 102-104
45-46 Suggestions for removal of misconceptions. 104-109
47-48 True Worker. 109-115
49-53 VAsanA purgation and Self-realization. 115-123
54 Who is Sthitaprajna? 123-124
55 Inner experience of the Perfect. 125-127
56-57 Silent-sage. Language of the Perfect. 127-131
58-61 Control of Senses. 131-137
62-63 Source of all evil. 138-140
64-68 Means of deliverance. 140-145
69 Contrast between ignorant and wise. 145-146
70-72 Desirer of desires. 147-153
Chapter III
The Karma Yoga
Introduction. 154-158
1-2 Arjuna's Confusion. 158-159
3-4 Self-development through action. 159-163
5-8 Action is Superior to inaction. 163-168
9-11 Spirit of Self-dedicated activities. 168-172
12-13 Social-thief. 172-174
14-16 Cosmic wheel of cooperative action. 174-176
17-19 Work-fulfilled individual. 176-180
20-21 Reasons for performing actions. 180-182
22-24 Why should the Lord work? 182-185
25-26 Dynamism of life and action. 185-189
27-29 Detached Action. 189-192
30 Renunciation of all actions unto the Lord. 192-195
31-32 Theory of right action. 195-199
33-34 Robber within. 199-202
35 Direct message to Arjuna-- Understand VAsanAs. 202-203
36 Obstructions of higher impulse. 204-205
37 Satan of desire-anger-emotion. 205-206
38-39 Discriminative capacity-- real and unreal. 206-209
40-41 Secret fortresses of the inner enemy-- desire.
Advice of restraint of senses. 209-211
42-43 Scheme of Self-discovery 211-214
Chapter IV
The Yoga of Renunciation of Action in Knowledge
Introduction. 215-217
1-3 History of the supreme spirit. 217-220
4-6 Theory of incarnation. Freedom of a God-man. 220-224
7-8 Purpose of the bound Infinite. 224-227
9-10 A path to salvation. 227-230
11 Impartiality of Life-principle 230-231
12 Basis for introvert and extrovert. 232-233
13 Finer distinctions of extrovert. 233-236
14-15 Technique of Self-perfection. 236-237
16-17 Nature of Action and inaction. 237-241
18-22 Egoless action. 241-250
23 Motive and attitude of the action of
men of perfection. 251-252
24-28 Methods of dissolving actions.
Right knowledge makes every act a Yajna. 253-261
29-32 Methods of dissolving actions, continued. 262-267
33-34 Supremacy of knowledge of true action. 267-270
35-36 Supremacy of knowledge continued. 270-272
37-38 Wisdom destroys sin. 272-276
39 Qualities necessary for acquiring wisdom. 276-279
40-42 Arise, O BhArata! 279-283
Chapter V
The Yoga of True Renunciation
Introduction. 284-288
1-2 Attainment of Goal through action and
renunciation of action. 288-291
3 Nature of Perpetual SannyAsi. 291-293
4-7 Goal of Karma Yoga and SannyAsa is the same. 293-298
8-9 Realized in world of action. 299-301
10-12 Work with detachment. 301-305
13-16 Relationship between knowledge and ignorance. 305-312
17 Experience of the World-of-Truth
within ourselves. 312-313
18-23 Methods of renunciation. 313-323
24-29 Liberation or Liberated. 324-333
Chapter VI
The Yoga of Meditation
Introduction. 334-337
1-4 Attainment of Yoga through Renunciation
of sense of agency and Renunciation of
attachment to the fruits of action. 337-344
5 Potentiality of Human. 344-347
6-10 Love for all at all times. 347-355
11-18 Aids to Yoga and the attainment of Yoga. 355-370
19-23 Stages of progress of "Accomplished"(Yogi). 370-376
24-26 Instructions for Yoga. 376-381
27-32 Effect of the Yoga of Meditation. 382-391
33-36 Control of Mind by AbhyAsa. 391-401
37-40 None who strives to do good comes to grief. 401-406
41-45 Stages possible on the way to Perfection. 407-414
46-47 Be a Yogi. 414-418
Chapter VII
The Yoga of Knowledge and Wisdom
Introduction. 419-421
1-7 Me in My Real Nature. 421-429
7-11 Conscious Principle in matter envelopments. 429-434
12-15 Divine illusion-- Gunas. 434-439
16-20 Types of virtuous men:
Best of them all-- Jnani. 440-449
21-30 Delusion and Knowledge. 449-467
Chapter VIII
The Yoga of Imperishable Brahman
Introduction. 468-469
1-4 Eternal Self alone is Real. 469-473
5 Nature of identification
with individualized ego. 473-474
6-7 As you think so you become. 474-477
8-10 Qualities of Purusha(Self). 477-486
11-21 Supreme destination of Perfection and
the means of achieving it. 487-505
22-28 Paths to reach the Consummate Goal. 505-514
Chapter IX
The Yoga of Royal Secret
Introduction. 514-517
1-3 Glory of thee Art of Self-Perfection. 517-522
4-8 Infinite and the finite. 522-529
9-10 Infinite and the Law of Karma.
Purusha and Prakrti. 529-532
11 Ignorance of Supreme state of Higher Self. 533-534
12-15 Rakshasa-culture and culture of the wise. 534-541
16-19 All worships are Self-worship. 542-549
20-21 Worship with desire. 549-550
22 Desireless worship. 550-553
23-25 Wrong and right methods of worship. 554-559
26 Sincerity of devotion or Proper offering. 559-561
27-28 Spirit of devout-offering. 562-563
29-33 Devotee is never destroyed. 563-577
34 Constant Awareness-- the secret of success. 577-579
Chapter X
The Yoga of Divine Glories
Introduction. 580-583
1-3 Knowledge of the origin of
physical, mental and intellectual life. 584-589
4-5 Qualities of beings. 584-589
6-8 Tremorless Yoga. 589-590
9-11 Personality-treatment of the intuitive
flight to deserve Buddhi Yoga and
attainment of Ultimate goal. 590-596
12-18 Intellectual demand of Arjuna for
constant awareness of Divine Presence
everywhere. 596-602
19-20 Endless variety of Self's manifestations.
Lord's grace. 602-609
21-39 Methods off meditating upon the Self while
living among the endless varieties of
objects and beings. 610-612
40-42 No end to Divine Glories. 646-651
Chapter XI
The Yoga of Cosmic Form
Introduction 652-655
1-4 Demand of Arjuna for demonstration of
the receptacle in which all names and forms
have their existence and play. 655-659
5-8 Preparation of Arjuna for the demonstrations. 659-663
9-13 Glimpse of the Cosmic form reported by Sanjay. 664-668
14-17 Wonderment! Arjuna's perception of
the Cosmic form. 668-674
18-24 Arjuna's conclusion-- Description of
the Imperishable Truth. 674-685
25-31 Fearful form of the Infinite. 685-694
32 Principle of Time. 694-696
33-34 An Instrument in His hands. 696-698
35-37 Surrender of Arjuna. Adoration. 699-703
38-40 Prostrations. 703-707
41-42 Apologies for non-understanding. 707-708
43-44 Prostrations. 708-710
45-46 Satisfaction. 710-713
47-51 Lord's Grace in Realization. 713-718
52-53 No easy experience-- Glory of the Cosmic Form. 718-719
54-55 Undivided devotion. 719-722
Chapter XII
The Yoga of Devotion
Introduction 723-726
1 Unwavering devotion to the Manifest or
the Unmanifest 726-727
2 A true devotee. 728-729
3-5 A true seeker. 730-735
6-7 Conditions to be followed in
being a true devotee. 736-738
8 Secret of harnessing the entire inner-man. 738-740
9 Yoga of constant practice. 740-742
10-11 Execution of His Will-- Renunciation of fruits
of all actions. 742-746
12 Conclusions about the suggested paths. 746-749
13-14 Way of life for all seekers. 749-751
15 Characteristic features of a real devotee. 751-752
16 Picture of the Perfect devotee. 753-755
17 Awakening to the inner Spiritual nature. 755-757
18-20 Equanimity. 757-761
Chapter XIII
The Yoga of Field and Its Knower
Introduction 762-764
1-3 Kshetra and Kshetrajna. Matter and Spirit. 765-769
4-7 What constitutes the field-- the matter. 769-775
8-10 Description of elements of knowledge. 775-779
11-12 Steps in aid of knowledge. 779-782
13-16 What is to be known by this knowledge.
Description of the Eternal Truth. 782-789
17-19 Self in one is the Self in all. 789-794
20-23 Relationship(nature) of matter and Spirit. 795-800
24-26 Paths of Self-Knowledge. 801-807
27-29 Result of the possession of knowledge of
the field and the Knower. 808-813
30-31 Plurality IN the Self but not OF the Self. 813-816
32-33 Nature of Self. 816-819
34-35 Functions of the Spirit in the body and
the fulfillment of life by realizing the
relationship between the field and the
Knower of the field. 819-822
Chapter XIV
The Yoga of Gunas
Introduction. 823-826
1-4 Relationship between matter and Spirit. 826-834
5 Gunas behind the Spirit within matter. 835-836
6 Sattwa Guna-- attachment to happiness. 837-839
7 Rajo Guna-- attachment to action. 839-841
8 Tamo Guna-- attachment to lower nature
leading to misconceptions. 841-842
9-10 Actions of the Gunas. 842-844
11-13 Symptoms of thee predominance of each of
the three Gunas in an individual. 844-849
14-16 The fruits of actions according to each of
the three Gunas. 850-855
17-18 The functions of Gunas while they appear on
the stage of the mind-intellect. 855-859
19-20 Transcendence of Gunas. 860-865
21-27 Characteristics of the individual who has
crossed over the three Gunas. 865-879
Chapter XV
The Yoga of The Supreme Spirit
Introduction. 880-881
1-3 Tree of life and its relationship with
the Infinite. 881-887
4-6 Eternal Goal. 887-894
7-9 Nature of ego(Jeeva). 895-898
10-11 Realization of Self. 899-902
12-15 Manifestations of the Self. 902-909
16-17 Perishable, Imperishable and the
the Supreme Purusha. 909-912
18-20 Knowledge of the true nature of the Lord. 913-916
Chapter XVI
The Yoga of Divine and Devilish Estates
Introduction. 917-919
1-3 Noble traits in a cultured man living
the Hindu-way of life. 919-928
4 Descriptions of the devilish nature. 929-930
5 Effects of the two natures. 930-932
6-9 The materialist. 932-938
10-11 Motives of the materialist. 938-942
12-15 Attitude of the materialist towards life. 942-946
16-18 Characteristics of the materialist. 946-950
19-20 Evolution of suffered. 950-951
21 Three gateways to Hell. 951-953
22-24 Path to the Goal Supreme. Act here according
to the ordinances of the Scripture. 953-957
Chapter XVII
The Yoga of Threefold Faith
Introduction. 958-959
1-2 Three types of faith. 960-962
3-6 Relationship of one's nature and one's faith. 962-967
7-10 Three kinds of food. 967-972
11-13 Three types of sacrifices. 972-975
14-17 SAttwic types of Tapas. 975-982
18-19 RAjasik and TAmasic Tapas. 982-984
20-22 Three kinds of charity. 984-986
23-24 Eternal Reality. 986-988
25-28 Om Tat Sat. 988-993
Chapter XVIII
The Yoga of Liberation Through Renunciation
Introduction. 994-996
1-3 Discipline in our activities-- SannyAsa and Tyaga
Work-- the greatest homage unto the Supreme. 997-1000
4-6 Krshna-way of action. 1000-3
7-9 Types of Tyaga. 1003-6
10 Actions constitute the insignia of life. 1006-9
11 Fruits of action. Realization from
three types Tyaga. 1009-10
12-15 Five constituent parts of every action. 1010-17
15-17 Sense of agency of the Self is an illusion. 1018-21
18-19 Impulse to action and basis of action. 1021-24
20-22 Threefold nature of knowledge. 1024-27
23-25 Threefold nature of action. 1027-31
26-28 Three kinds of doers. 1031-37
29-32 Three types of Buddhi. 1037-41
33-35 Three kinds of Dhriti. 1042-45
36-39 Three types of happiness. 1045-50
40 Sattwa is universal in all bosoms
manifesting in varying degrees. 1051-53
41 Classification of mankind according to
SwabhAva and Swadharma. 1053-55
42-44 Four kinds of social-living determined by
psychological characteristics. 1055-62
45-46 Devotion to one's own duty--
attainment of Perfection. 1062-65
47-48 Better is one's own Dharma, though imperfect. 1065-68
49-50 Supreme State of freedom from action. 1068-72
51-52 Techniques of meditation. 1073-76
53 Enduring values of life. 1077-78
54-57 Attainment of Eternal State. 1078-85
58-60 You Must Fight. 1085-90
61 Expressing through all activities is
the Lord of the Universe. 1090-92
62 Surrender unto Him. 1092-94
63-64 Think independently and
come to your own conclusions. 1094-97
65 Four conditions for a successful seeker. 1097-99
66 His divine willingness to undertake
the service of His devotee. 1099-104
67-71 Process of study and for communication of
the sacred books dealing with the
science of life. 1104-12
72-73 Doubts are gone.
I shall act according to your word. 1112-15
74-77 What a marvelous revelation!! 1116-22
78 Yogeshwara Krshna and Dhanurdhar Partha--
the symbolism of a way-of-life. 1122-26