Re: Hindu/Christian Relationship
Subject: Re: Hindu/Christian Relationship
From: lokes@selway.umt.edu (Lokeswara Rao)
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 1994 19:14:31 GMT
Apparently-To: alt-hindu@ames.arc.nasa.gov
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: University of Montana, Missoula
References: <2tb072$cm5@ucunix.san.uc.edu>
In article <2tb072$cm5@ucunix.san.uc.edu>,
Jayant Lulla <lulla@athena.mit.edu> wrote:
>What you say is true - there is very little that discourages
>marriages between Hindus and Christians.
>The only argument I can think of is that a child of such a
>marriage would be under a bit of a burden - he would have to
>be familiar with both the Bible and the Gita. Sundays would also
>be a bit of a problem since he would have to shuffle Church and
>Temple visits. Finally, when he is asked to check the box for
>religious preference, he would have to check both Christianity and
>Hinduism or flip a coin or alternate preferences...
I would say that is a terrible burden, because hinduism and christianity
are very different on the surface. For a teenager who is forming his/hers
views on life etc., and who has to claim two very different
philopsophies as his own, it will be very difficult to form a solid
cultural foundation. The child will be lost spiritually and he/she will
either hate one of the religions or neglect religion altogether.
I think the couple should decide and teach/ask the child to follow only
one of the religions.