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Former President Inaugurates Celebrations

* Former President Inaugurates Celebrations
     Kanchipuram, July 24 (PTI) The former President, Mr R
Venkataraman, today inaugurated the year long 60th centenary
celebrations of Sri Jayendra Saraswathi, the head of the 2,500
year old Kanchi mutt, amidst religious fervour.
     Sri Jayendra Saraswathi is the 69th pontiff of the mutt,
which was established here by Adi Sankara, who was the first
'peedapathi' (head of the mutt) from 482 to 477 bc.
   Special poojas and 'yagnas' are being perfomed at the mutt
on the occasion.
    Union railway minister, Mr Jaffer Sharief, and minister of
state for surface transport, Mr Jagdish Tytler, are expected
to arrive here this evening to take par

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