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Mail From Bon Giovanni

Pardon, but  I know no other way of contacting the sender:
The message bounced via email and was returnd to me:
In case the person who wrote to me (and to which this is a reply) chooses to
remain anonymous, I remove all headers. The person wrote from this group.
Sai Ram,
There are already quite a few rumors that have embroidered that little note!
There has been quite a flurry of calls and faxes back and forth from LA to the
ashram about that Divine Discourse, trying to pinpoint exactly what Swami did
or did not say.  Apparently a devotee in Washington promptly added her own
commentary to the fax, and her web of friends then added their own comments
and so it was enlarged on and on as it passed from hand to heart.
This is the latest word: Ignore entirely any claim you hear that Swami is now
or soon ending Kali Yuga and beginning Shakthi Yuga (who ever heard of such a
thing as Shakthi Yuga?).  Ignore entirely any claim you hear that Swami has
announced this gurupurnima is the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment...
those two rumors are now rampant across America- many centers are holding
nightly bhajan to usher in the new age... both these rumors have been
confirmed as false and rejected by Dr. Michael Goldstein who is even now with
Swami. MG with his usual candor says it is all nonsense.
The last word I got from Dave Lambert, (American President), who is aware of
what I wrote on the Net, is `if we add nothing, change nothing, all is well.'
The content of the note you read here is accurate (I hope!)
Please advise of any Internet sites you are aware of where devotees gather.  I
am looking all over the world, and so far have encountered no focal point for
us to post one another on the Internet. I would like to see  soc.worldwide.sai
or alt.seva.sai on a newsreader! On the 'Net I have found three Sai devotees
only, and one is twenty miles from me!
Thank you for your good wishes,

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